On a sunny, 70 degree day that I thought couldn't get any better, I had a great surprise.
I intended to have a quick lunch with a friend at the burrito joint near my office. He met me there, but after we exchanged a few words, he suddenly felt ill and lost his appetite completely. He left, and I was going to go in anyway but the line was so long I changed my mind. The food co-op has burritos on Friday, and I like them best of all, so I went there instead.
Happily, LaLa and The Ponch were there waiting for a sandwich right next to the burrito table. We had a delightful picnic together at the cozy little table next to the book store parking lot. How lucky!
Other strokes of luck:
Dr. K is visiting us for three days instead of one.
Very concerned partners kept my coworkers and me safe from the scary storm that stood between
us and the board meeting last night.
K-10's visit will overlap with Dr K's.
Fezzeaux and I haven't had to water the garden in the last 12 days, because naycher has done it for us. In fact, each of the last 12 days has been a mixture of hearty rain and full sun with pleasant temperatures. It's been the nicest spring since I've lived in Iowa.
On a side note,
The Pigmobile is often parked in the co-op house neighborhood. The Schmuppy is horribly afraid of it. He refuses to walk near it. Today he wouldn't even approach the front door of his own house from inside, because he could see it. He tried to warn LaLa not to leave the house. When she returned, he carefully appraised her to see if she had been harmed by the triple-pork monster.