Joined a new guild called {Tears of Agony} they are a small guild. The guild was formed by some former memebers of {Casually Addicted}. I turned {Warriors of Time} into a bank vault guild. The former members are happier now.
{Tears of Agony} does have 10-man to 25-man raid experience so I am in good hands. Vampearia my guild leader told me she was in all the BC raids. I am trying to get my boyfriend over but I don't he will. I am enjoying the guild. They are very friendly and helpful. I am trying to catch up to Vampearia so we can start dailies together. She is really nice.
Bitter sweet symphony sometimes things happen for a reason and things go aray but there is hope we will all come back together has one and kick ass.
I need to get on Ridera and level up my tailoring so I can make things. I need to level her like bad but but Hagiel comes first and foremost.
I created a new roll. A rogue, going to turn her into an assasin. Her name is Anabella. Going to solo her and not join a guild. She will be leveled slowly.
Need to get with Styleen and hang out when I am not busy. Hagiel misses her dearly. I know she is not on due to certains reason I cannot tell. However Hagiel misses her deeply. <3
Need to find Labellamorte too so she can enchant my new gear when I gets it and throw a snow ball at her :P
Hung out with Zephy in Violet Hold, we almost had it but whiped a bunch, maybe next time. 16/18 gates open almost! omg I need to go back in to Violet Hold.
Generus joined {Tears of Agony} trying to get Brinray over but she loves the name {Warriors of Time} silly girl.
I need to get better gear. Mine sucks right now. I do have two pieces of a set. I need to find someone to make me the swiftarrow gear so I can pay Bella to enchant it for me. The swiftarrow set is for HUNTER AND SHAMAN so go us.