Apr 13, 2009 22:52
The Major's face shakes into view as the man holding the camera plays with the focus. He's obviously not used to the cameraman position, and the picture continues to dance ever so slightly.
"Good evening, City. I hope it finds you well."
They stand in a bloody laboratory, two men and a woman strapped down to lab tables behind them. Their eyes flutter open behind him.
"It occurs to me that we are sick. Diseased, in a sense. Our diagnosis is stagnation, and the prognosis, if medicine is not applied, is, I'm afraid, not good. So I take it upon myself to introduce a little chaos into the system."
Three figures in long SS coats step out from the shadows behind the lab tables. Each is wearing a peaked black cap with the Totenkopf symbol emblazoned on the front. Their eyes glow a hideous and unearthly red. No pupil, no iris, no white. Just... glowing red.
On the tables, the three humans begin to thrash and scream. One starts to beg, while another shouts prayers to an unlistening god in an unknown tongue.
"This is what we do, City. Every night my men kidnap innocent citizens, such as these."
The soldiers all open their mouths. Their jaws stretched inhumanly, filled to the gums with pointed shark teeth.
"Every night, we take them and drain them dry. My men must eat. We must feed the machine, build the shock troops. Of course, it doesn't always work."
He smirks a little.
"Sometimes the City feels fit to bring them back, lifeless and human the next day. Other times, they rise as the ghouls you will soon see. Thoughtless, canabalistic, wretched creatures for whom there is no escape but death."
He snaps his fingers and the vampires descend on the three innocents.
The blood is overwhelming. The screams are unbearable. The sight is nightmarish.
"We are still collecting data to discern the why."
The Major nods, ever so slightly. "Good night, City".