Sep 17, 2005 11:46

I am about to go crazy ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

hunney_bunnz September 18 2005, 04:22:20 UTC
awwe im sorry..i hope things get better:/.♥


wareagle1035 September 18 2005, 19:06:12 UTC
Thank you!


hunney_bunnz September 18 2005, 19:30:43 UTC

lets the just say the annonymous person put it on lightly i would have been harder on you you need to stop obesessing over tyler try and get a different hobby. and you have no idea what a bad ife is like you live in an uppermiddle class community with friends and family that love you and the freedom of living in america. your the kind of person that needs to spend a day without electricy or running water or how about the people in new orlands? you need to get over yourself you have it alot better than you think and you take all of your stuff gor granite. you need to think about other things about than yourself and how u revolve around tyler. Go ahead and log my ip adress


care_bears_roc September 19 2005, 21:27:55 UTC
ok im sry if ur gunna hate me now but all this stuff the anonymous people are saying is true and u do need to get over tyler and u do need to quit controlling his life the gala u were trying to make me dance with him...which is no problem but n e way...and u were like if u dont ur gunna make him all mad at pisses me off wen u do sry but geez get over it!!! also ur r tryin 2 b all nashley said...n e way all thats b side the point u need to stop! ill stop bein mean now so
bi -love-


remove_thedoubt September 20 2005, 21:06:21 UTC
Yeah, uhm.. anonymous people kinda' know what they're sayin'. You shouldn't be complaingin.. so just shut up, please.


anonymous September 21 2005, 01:03:06 UTC
im sorry but you really do need to shut the fuck up its fucking anoying how you obsess with him NEWS FLASH he doesnt like you anymore so SHUT UP


x_thriller_x September 21 2005, 20:59:07 UTC
Hey Allison I hope u feel better! im here if u wanna tlkk does seem to be getting worse i know how u feel...and parents do suck actually my mom is so fucking annoying! ive got alot of probelms and ide luv 2 tlk bout them w/

-amanda honeywell-

if tyler is going to try to turn everyone against u well hes just screwed up in the head so yea...he is nice though!

<3 ya †††Jesus Christ Loves You†††


x_thriller_x October 2 2005, 00:14:08 UTC
and ur kinda part of the dram if you dont want to be just leave tyler alone


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