Thank goodness for Google Alerts. :D No clicky the link if you don't want to see the photos if you consider such things spoilers.
Also be aware that spoilers may abound in the comments. :D
S2 Cast photos Also no clicky the LJ cut as I'm about to discuss one of the photos...
Seems that anyone who's questioning whether or not Leena will be around could take the fact that there is a photo of her in with the other photos as a GOOD sign. I've not seen or heard that she's not coming back just that her loyalites (or not) are in question. Was she controlled by MacPherson or did she do it of her own free will or does he have something on her that he's using to get her to do his bidding? I honestly hope she's been brainwashed because even with what little we know of her, I like her and wouldn't want her to be a badguy. That's just me. Your mileage may vary.