Oh my yes! The end of Easter Break. Easter Break is a cocktease, over which one entirely lacks the free time to totally relax or get anything worthwhile accomplished, but during which one feels like one has much more leisure than is actually available
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We begin our spiraling descent into what is sometimes referred to as "crunch time," sometimes as "fuck, I should have been working this shit out months ago," out of which we shall be ungraciously spit into the non-time of summer. I have a paper due tomorrow that totally slipped my mind until I was a couple of hits into some dURG(e)S at Timmy's
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Things are good! This weekend, I plan on 1) doing my Chaucer paper, 2)picking classes for next semester and 3) finding housing for next year. If I can accomplish these two items, I really should be rather set for the end of the scholastic year
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This weekend has proven interesting. Tim's birthday extravaganza turned out to be just what the doctor ordered and now I'm in a bit of a lull between terrifying scholastic events. So far I have used my continuing illness to avoid doing anything responsible or useful, but I'm improving. Tomorrow I plan on seeing my advisor, vacuuming, cooking and
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So....I totally had no class today and I'm beginning to seriously reconsider my value to society because I do nothing but eat, sleep and shit. I tried to cut my hair, but their was a mishap with a beard trimmer and now I look sort of absurd, but whatevs. So that basically shot my day and even though I finished the Summoner's Tale and my journal
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For those of you who haven't heard anything from Little Jenni lately, I talked to her today! She is doing well and is in New Orleans. She went there to do relief work, and ended up working in a bike shop and she's slightly ill, but nothing tragic. Anyway, just trying to spread the word to those who might not have heard anything
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So, my life is basically useless these days. I've started living in this weird vacuum of time where I really have nothing to do and latch onto crossword puzzles and sitcoms to give my life purpose and am slowly turning meaner and lazier. Regardless, it's valuable expirience for the future, because there's always a chance that we will return to a
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First of all, any of you who read my cryptic post before, that was not an actual post, so much as an attempted comment in someone's LJ that I somehow fucked up and made as a post! Yes, I am inept, no, nothing major is wrong
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