Generic OOC post time! Comment here and let me know if I'm Doing It Wrong, Doing It Right, or whatever. Feel free to laugh at Bowser openly and with gusto (IC and OOC 8D)
Aaaah, let's see...
Stealing Zeldamun's version, since I'm super lazy and I know she won't mind~
Name: King Bowser Koopa
-Also goes by "King Koopa," "Boss of Bwahaha," "His Nastiness," "His Badness," and pretty much any other ridiculous awesome moniker a giant turtle could go by. (Fatty is always an option.)
About Bowser: King Bowser is the rottenest, meanest, evilest ruler of all the Koopas ever. He's one of the most recognizable game villains in all history. He's also a giant turtle that likes to kidnap a pretty blonde princess. (Just the one, though: you can't fool him with cheap imitations and he WILL NOT BE SWAYED.)
Most everything he's involved in results in Mario Mario, the overweight and yet surprisingly athletic hero of almost every Super Mario Bros. games, beating him up and taking his lunch money back Princess Peach, whom Bowser loves to kidnap. Actually, truth be told, he loves Peach in general. That's probably why he hates Mario so much. Rumor has it that he will do anything for Peach, and he views his kidnappings as rescuing her. Did I mention he has some issues?
Make no mistake, though - even if he loves Peach, he's still a no good, mean-spirited jerk who, admittedly, might join forces with the heroes once in a while, but that's only because they have a common enemy. He's certainly not a nice guy underneath all that shell, scaling, and fire. Not at all.
And if you ever say otherwise, well, you'll live to regret it!
(For more info, go to
Bowser's Wiki Page at the Super Mario Wiki.)
Age: TIMELESS (actually, nobody's really sure. He's probably in his mid-late thirties, if Koopas even age the same way humans do.)
Height: Big. I'm going to say that he's somewhere between 7 to 8 feet? Maybe larger. Giga-Bowser is definitely at LEAST 15 feet, if not bigger. (This is going by scale in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and assuming that Peach is around 5'3.)
Weight: ...A lot.
Body: Since Bowser is a Koopa, he fits the basic shape of a giant turtle. He's bipedal, though he kind of squats and it looks like he's almost ready to go on all fours half the time. His arms are really long, but his legs look pretty short, though this could be due to him crouching down. His shell has big spikes on it. Giga-Bowser is like that, only 100x more awesome.
Face: ...I'm starting to think that this is meme is biased against Koopas. He's got a dragon-ish face, with nice big horns and lots of flaming red hair. Giga-Bowser has much more flaming red hair, and his horns are HUGE.
Complexion: RACIST. He's got scales. At least, this is what I assume, as he's like a dragon/turtle cross. I assume his skin is a little rough, probably a bit leathery to the touch. I suppose it depends on if he's decided to go to a spa that week or not. It's probably a lot tougher as Giga-Bowser, and that's not saying that he's thin-skinned normally.
Eyes: Black, unless he's gone Giga. Then they're red and bloodshot.
Hair: Red and spiky and probably not brushed all that often. Even redder and spikier as Giga.
Clothes: Surprisingly, Bowser has worn clothes on occasion. It usually consists of crowns, capes, and whatever various costume might help him fit into his next scheme.
Speaking Style: BIG AND LOUD. And boisterous. Oh, and he's not always the best at talking emotionally (hahaha understatement), though academically speaking, he's pretty freaking intelligent sounding. It ALMOST makes up for all the times he puts his foot in his mouth.
General Demeanor: Like his speech, it's BIG AND LOUD. He's ALWAYS RIGHT, and if you EVER think he's wrong, he'll SHOW YOU. He imagines that he commands respect wherever he goes - in truth, he can come off as a dimwit. That is, of course, until you get him talking academically - he has a self-stated IQ of 9800 (WHAT OVER 9000?!), and isn't afraid to use it. That being said, he's socially inept and really private about his feelings, so the best way to get him to shut up is to ask invasive questions about his relationship and feelings for Princess Peach. He also likes to think of himself as a mentor to the young, and (as you can see from this
conversation with Kaito, he acts like a teacher for how to be Good. After all, when you've been in the business this long, you're bound to know some tricks!
Career: King of the Koopas, ruler of Dark Land, self-proclaimed Overlord of the Internet, and kidnapper. Basically, he's the Typical Bad Guy.
Prejudices: He hates fat men who wear red. Also anyone who looks like Mario Mario or Luigi Mario. He's also biased towards Peach - she's perfect.
Best Qualities: His strength, determination, and surprising amount of compassion for princesses in general - specifically Peach. He's also willing to give advice to people who deserve it (meaning, if you ask for help, he'll spout something out because He's Right, Remember?). He also has a strange aversion towards killing innocent people - he prefers to just scare everyone. Not that he'd tell anyone that.
Worst Qualities: He's impulsive, quick to anger, loud, obnoxious, is socially inept and emotionally stunted. He's also Always Right - and you know how obnoxious that can be.
Weaknesses: Princess Peach Toadstool. Honestly, if you want him to do something for you? Bring up Peach. Be careful, though - if he doesn't know you, he automatically assumes you know nothing about his Princess. Oh, rumor has it that he's easy to get behind in battle, and once you're there, all it takes is a few grabs of his tail.
Hobbies: Believe it or not, he's actually pretty passionate about home decorating. He also writes poetry (including haiku's, one of which you can see in Super Mario RPG). There is, of course, his hobby of kidnapping Princess Peach.
Talents: If there's one thing that Bowser isn't lying about, it's that he's a Big Tough Man. It's nearly impossible to damage him outside of throwing him into lava or getting to his face (which is the only vulnerable part of his body). Meanwhile, while he does proclaim his IQ to be an impossible 9800, he's made every single one of those crazy inventions you see him using by hand. Usually by himself, unless it's really big. So, even if he isn't actually THAT smart, he's still pretty damned intelligent.
-Tease him. Feel free to do that whenever you want - just be prepared for him to throw a hissy fit. Chances are he won't ever actually attempt to hurt your character.
-Know about his past with Mario. It's all in his intro post, anyway (even if it's biased), and besides, I'm down with a little 4th wall breakage in the name of infamous-ness. Just as long as nobody can list every intimate detail of every game he's ever been in character-wise, we're good.
-Know about Princess Peach. Obviously, he shells up every time someone brings up his passionate love for Peach, but it's pretty obvious that he's got a huge thing for her, just by how he reacts when people talk about her.
-Know him. If your character is from the Nintendo world, and especially if they're from the Super Smash Bros. games, they're okay to know Bowser either in passing, by name, or face to face. I'll go with whatever you want, so feel free to comment and let me know if your character knows him. If they're not from the Nintendo world, well, the 2nd 'do' covers that XD
-Kill him. No killing, guys, he's pretty much indestructible anyway. I mean, if we decide that we want your character to think he's dead, it's easy enough for him to "die" and then make a grumbly, growly return later, but otherwise, no outright "You're dead Bowser" moments :3
-Know his intimate little details about his love for Peach. This is cool for psychics and such, since haha, it's never out of his mind for a moment, but random passers-by should probably keep their speculating down to the "BOWSER AND PEACH, SITTING IN THE TREE" stage, instead of knowing about all his lovey-dovey poetry and such. (If he ends up admitting it ANYWHERE, though, it's free game.)
-I'm really new to this kind of RP, both in size and format, so please don't hesitate to let me know if I'm screwing up at any point. (My only request is that you don't "yell" at me, since capslock is reserved for giant robots with no vocalizer volume control :P)
-I'm totally down with characters randomly yelling at Bowser, even if it has NOTHING to do with whatever his posts are about. So don't feel afraid! :D
-My email address is - feel free to e-mail me whenever you want. I also use the AIM name KurumiRP, so feel free to chat with me whenever. Aaand same goes for
devilishkurumi. I'm on the internet almost 24/7, so you should be able to find me at some point.
-If you guys have any comments/speculation regarding Bowser's height or weight or physical anatomy or whatever, let me know. I'm still trying to figure out exactly how big he is, since I like having an accurate picture in my head, and the stats up there are all guesswork.
-Uuuh, if Bowser pisses you off OOC'ly for any reason, please let me know either through a message, a comment, or whatever. I'll be glad to discuss either character points or any issues you might have otherwise.
-If anyone ever picks up Peach, please don't feel like you'll ever have to pair up with Bowser. He's totally used to being rejected, after all, and while I'm a B/P shipper, I don't need it to feel ~*Validated*~ or anything. JUST LETTING YOU KNOW GUYS <3
-Please keep in mind that I'm still developing a "voice" for Bowser, so I'm going to be tweaking him slightly over the next couple of months or so. If he changes his attitude a little towards you/a loved one/everyone, just know that I'm trying to settle him into a generally acceptable IC form. Thank you <3
Some Fun Facts~!
1. Every time I post with Bowser, I literally facepalm.
2. When I need to think of how he'd respond, I watch an episode or five of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show! (C'MON, LET'S DO THE MARIO!)
3. I kind of want to app Freddy Krueger.
4. Zeldamun and I are friends from another RP, and for some reason Bowser and Zelda are acting similar to our characters when they get together.