today was a good day! wednesdays usually are because wednesday is my new friday! how is that possible? i ended up quitting my full-time job at the nursing home back in december. i had no intention of leaving but i felt like i was forced to. it was a big decision for me because it was a stable job the had benefits. lets rewind shall we
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Its been a long time since I have used this thing. Wow! There are so many new changes, I love it! Thanks to everyone who didn't delete me! I kind of let this place go when I made a myspace account... although I don't really post over there a lot. I miss having a place to vent. I used to keep paper journals and now I don't even do that anymore
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So my journal is fucked up. Something is screwy with the comments. I can't see them unless I am logged in. Can you guys see them? I haven't replied to Jama and Candace in my last entry because I didn't know if you could read them
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Today I have a workshop that will determine whether or not I get into the counseling program. I called off my wedding last month and decided to go back and get my masters on a whim. Well it wasn't a total whim... I had been thinking about it for a while... calling off the wedding just pushed me to do something... I was lucky that I didn't miss
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Today has been the day from hell. I broke out in tears on more than one occasion. I am ready to blow this joint.... if only the doctor would fax me the discharge order. *sigh*
tonight, drinks with some girls from work! :) (if i get that damn order.)