we just found out that the best cellgroup leader (becky) is leaving,next week is her last week. i'll miss ya girl!!!!! but you gotta do what God is telling you to and im glad that that she is going to go and expierence new things. i think i spelled expierence wrong? lol
hey yous guys. how was everyones christmas? mine was so much fun eventhuogh it really didnt feel like christmas this season. well new years was fun i spent it with the most bestest people in yhe world. me hannah quenna erin and molly had so much fun. i love those girls!***
well i am off to the mall for some last minute christmas shopping. my sister wants this really cute hat from the gap and my brother wants this sweater from there too. but the hat is 34 dollars,34 dollars for something that you will wear on your head! well she wants it bad so...i guess i'll go and see if its still there
i am gonna cut my own hair,but i am not sure about it,what should i do? any way i am so stressed out cause i have 2 spanish test due by monday and i have three big assignments due soon cause i missed them when i went to pa. well i better get crackin
well hello there, i am so excited i am going to pennsylvania for 2 weeks and it is suppoised to snow!!!!!!! well i hope.i cant wait to see my family, i miss them so much. pennsylvania is so beautiful you should visit it. we used to get 6+ feet of snow blizzards. it was great.
well these last few weeks have been a big blur. we lost uor house in the hurricane and it was pretty hard, but now we found a pretty cool home and we're supposed to move in on wed or thurs.hopefully all will go well.