Title: Happiness Disappeared The Moment You Were Gone
Fandom: Glee/Supernatural
Character(s)/Relationship(s): Quinn/Sam
Length: 6 Tracks
Notes: Made for
gleek_land’s Glee Big Bang Crossover style challenge. Basically this mix is Quinn replacing Jess in the show.
Fire of Unknown Origin by Blue OysterA fire of unknown origin
Took my baby away
Beautiful Girl by Broken Iris Woke today another memory passes of you
Shades of grey from those three broken words
That unfolded truth
Counting Stars by Sugarcult Hey, I wanna crawl out of my skin
Apologize for all my sins
All the things I should have said to you
Missing You by Jem I wish this could be a happy song
But my happiness disappeared the moment you were gone
Look At You by Screaming TreesHer ghost hides in my mind in the night
In a way she's haunting me
I'm wanting her still
It's Not Over by Secondhand SerenadeWe had the chance to make it
Now it's over, it's over
It can't be over I wish that I could take it back, but it's over