[ Zetsurin seems oddly contemplative today! So it's only a matter of time before he grabs the crow and holds it still in front of him so he can talk. ]
Who is-- ..Tylendel? I don't think.. before now, I've never...
[ Pauses for a moment to gather his thoughts. ]
...I don't recall ever meeting a Tylendel. But that name suddenly... appeared? Sih'
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Comments 18
Tylendel is my Lifebonded; he recently arrived here.
So.. who are you? And lifebonded is...?
A Lifebond is a soul bond that some couples share, where he and I come from. They form naturally, though rarely... Perhaps it's best described as a magical connection between two people, but it's a hard feeling to articulate, really.
[ Pauses to listen... oh, that sounds vaguely.. familiar. ]
..I understand. On my world we have bonds, too, but they're not.. magical. So you and this Tylendel are.. bonded? [ Can't you just hear the disappointment in his voice~ ]
[Awkwardly thoughtful pause goes here.]
Well, I'm pleased to meet you! Where did you hear my name?
[ Through the crow's eye, the pink-haired boy glances away and shifts uncomfortably. ]
I, um.. had a very sudden urge to-- see you.
...Right, my name! Um, I'm Zetsurin.
I could walk over! There are few enough of us here, after all - it's good to get to know people. Where are you?
Which cabin are you in?
...mind you, not the best of signs. Well, what can you do? I blame sai Reaper.
[ He's totally sticking his tongue out at you, but briefly; SORRY, TYLENDEL IS CUTER THAN YOU FOR THE DURATION OF THIS EVENT. ]
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