First of all, we are headed toward Cleveland with our newly bought subs from Subway (they aren't doing the cards anymore...::tear::), and this thunderstorm comes flying through, and everyone is thinking 'oh shit'. stops and we are able to get to the ampitheater on time. I had to go to the bathroom...bad, so I took my Subway napkin and found an obscure grassy place and peed (sp check). Anyway...we wait two and 1/2 hours in line talking with these two really cool people. We play Egyptian Ratscrew and before we knew it, we were inside the venue. We bought hoodies (Lexi and I) and GC shirts (all of us)and we went into the ampitheater and this bitch who had all this room was complaining of people getting too close to her (then get out, damn it!!) Anyway...we met these two chicks who helped us get our way to the front. Reliant K went on first. They were pretty darn good, although I had never seen them perform live before. Then, I was pushed to 'third row' (it was standing room only) and got to take kick-ass pics of SP. I love how David is soooooooooooooooooo frickin in love with himself (I swear he is going to be like Joel and date jailbait). He always grabbed himself. ::swoon:: All of a sudden, we hear Seb sing SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP and they start playing 'Drop it Like Its Hot and P.I.M.P. Funnie stuff. Anyway...I was getting tired of being pressed to death by people trying to get to the front, that I only stayed in the front for a couple of GC songs (they didn't play any of their songs from their first album...::grumble grumble evil obscenities grumble grumble:: I got good pics of them also. Joel was talking about how Benji liked girls...and boys. (my dreams are coming true). I went and bought a Simple Plan t-shirt and met up with a girl that goes to our school and how her first time croud-surfing was. I found the rest of my friends (we had been seperated since the end of Relient K) and we went home. (btw: I was soaked in a gallon of everyone else's sweat. Fun stuff, eh?)
Funnie Quotes from that evening:
-Situation: the lights went down
David from Simple Plan said "I feel sexier when the lights go down, don't you?"
Audience: (screams in response)
-Situation: A bra was thrown up on stage while SP was performing.
David: Youre stepping on a bra, Pierre
Pierre:(pics it up and tries it on)
David: She's got big T****es!
-Situation: Pierre busting out an acoustic guitar
Pierre: I need everyone to take out their lighters
Random People: (throws lighters onto stage, a couple hitting his guitar)
Pierre: I don't need your lighters, I want you to light them.
-Benj: We have a lot of honeys here. That's what Paul calls them...honeys.
-Situation: Benji and Joel going on and on about how they want to keep the audience
Joel: Mom...Dad...can I keep 'em?
Benji: I'll make sure they are fed!!