It's kinda nice. The realization that Internet is convenient, and eliminates the need for physical statements, postage and other overhead, and that they can, *gasp*, pass the savings (and higher interest rates) on to their cutomers, is finally dawning on the banks. Of course, this is after their customers have been banking online for years, so it's about freakin' time.
Also, isn't in interesting that HSBC's promotions for their account is primarily orange? As though they were trying to capitalize on the association between orange and high interest savings accounts, before ING could claim a reasonable trademark on the color?
halcyonpink had a scare when he thought that Owens-Corning was claiming an exclusive right to use the color pink. I set him straight.
Comments 3
I should finally get one of those thingies.
halcyonpink had a scare when he thought that Owens-Corning was claiming an exclusive right to use the color pink. I set him straight.
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