Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation what the word means to you and why, and then pass out letters to those who want to play along.
Conflagration: Huge fire. And the word just sounds nice.
Coffee: A completely inferior drink which I avoid whenever possible.
Ceylon: A type of tea. Rather nice.
Cheating: Something the marquis is quite good at and does often. Watch out for him. He's a sneaky bastard.
Catastrophe: What my life was shaping up to be.
Clever: Something I try to be, but usually fail at.
Courage: Something to develop, along with a backbone.
Court: An odd thing to actually find yourself involved in. In the midieval sense, not the judicial.
Calibration: Another interesting sounding word that I just threw in to take up space.
Catharsis: What I tried to use practice for, and wound up having my arse handed to me in various painful ways.
((OOC note: I'm going camping *grimace* so I won't be around for a couple days. May be home early, of course, if my sister and I decide we can't bloody stand being trapped in close quarters with all of our friends for a whole two-and-a-half days.))