Title: Letters from Karchesa - Part 1
Description: A lonely traveler meets a young woman who may be able to convince him to do the impossible: return home. That is, if he doesn't fall in love with her first.
A/N: A new idea that came to me during Ficathon. Hopefully it will get finished...
Part 1
“Are you the one who reads letters?” )
Comments 6
I LOVE this. I'm so intrigued! Jaim is HILARIOUS! You have a wonderful talent for building worlds and cultures and this is no exception. Will you continue this? Why has Zayven run away? And how will Arya ever see him again? Can I detect just a hint of Game of Thrones? (If there is, you've taken all the good bits, George Martin is a lousy writer).
I am so glad you like it because I hope to play in this 'verse for awhile longer! Jaim is hilarious, and usually he knows it, too ;)
THANK YOU BUNCHES for your enthusiasm and wonderful wonderful feedback. It really keeps me going -- and that is the answer to question 1. Yes, it is to be continued! Moar letters! Moar bantering! But I can't answer questions 2 and 3 yet. Question 4 - I haven't read Game of Thrones, although I keep wondering why I haven't gotten around to reading/watching it yet. But given its popularity, I feel very complimented. :D
More to come!!
Did I mention how very much I love the idea of the blue henna on Ami's palm? Because I do! It's beautiful and so wonderfully creative! And the idea of it only being on their palms so the top looks like any ordinary hand? Brilliant!
I am SO excited you're continuing this! *does giddy happy dance*
Since I know that there's a second chapter waiting for me, I will now end this measly review here and hurry over there.
So I have not yet read/watched Game of Thrones, although I hear lots of enthusiastic raving about it. Would you say read the books, watch the show, or do both?
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