Title: Two Candles Description: The veils between worlds are thinner than we think. A/N: For apsaraqueen - it’s not Joaquin and Rosalía yet, but it’s R/J with a hint of A/J. ( Keep two candles burning )
oh, wow, pour moi? this little bit of r/j goodness totally made my day, ice (oh, let me know if you prefer to go by something else), so thank you so very much! as always, the details in this are absolutely incredible, seriously one of the prettiest pieces i've ever read. like:
diamond earrings set on a cork coaster - ughhhhhhhhhh you've officially made me jealous of a fictional character's hair. go you.
taste of the moans she had uttered in his bed the night before was more potent than pomegranate nectar - *FANS SELF PROFUSELY*
on his abraded skin, they felt unbearably rough compared to the softness of her fingers against his cheek - i would pay to see some more of your silmil verse, woman, i bet it's stunning
( ... )
apsara is perfectly fine, but frankly, you can call me ham sandwich as long as you keep giving me all this ficcy goodness ;D i'm loving the background info - and the idea of ana and zeke in a dysfunctional relationship! i can TOTALLY see that, especially on z's side. *swoon* but hey, anything that gets r/j closer makes me happy, so...count me in for the forces of canon? i guess? *twiddles thumbs*
Comments 3
diamond earrings set on a cork coaster - ughhhhhhhhhh you've officially made me jealous of a fictional character's hair. go you.
taste of the moans she had uttered in his bed the night before was more potent than pomegranate nectar - *FANS SELF PROFUSELY*
on his abraded skin, they felt unbearably rough compared to the softness of her fingers against his cheek - i would pay to see some more of your silmil verse, woman, i bet it's stunning ( ... )
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