Jun 17, 2010 19:37

~PARTY ANIMALS!~SOMEHOW everyone's log poses happened to be reset and lead them to a particular now-uninhabited island, and in an AMAZING COINCIDENCE, it seems everyone was able to arrive at the same time, too! GASP. It can only be another amazing coincidence that this happened at the same time as this animal trait curse. Welp! Obviously the most ( Read more... )

ooc: party post

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Comments 452

THE DOCKS warriorothesea June 18 2010, 00:44:09 UTC
Feel free to start a thread for your ship, if it's needed!


Re: THE DOCKS migi_te_mutt June 18 2010, 12:11:53 UTC
Gokudera is sitting on the dock, looking out at the silhouette of the Vongola yacht. When a slight breeze blows, it ruffles the white and gray fur on the back of his neck. He stares down at the reflection on the water beneath him of a dog's head hanging off the side of pier. One ear flips down, then the other, and he sighs, dropping his cigarette off the side. "-Shit!" It's a quick bark and he growls at the small cancer stick resting off one of the supporting pieces.

"NNggh!! F-Fuck!" In moments he's reaching down with a paw and sliding forward, hind legs scrabbling to keep himself planted while he makes another attempt to grab it.


Re: THE DOCKS key_destination June 18 2010, 13:52:59 UTC
Prowling near the docks, Roxas blinks curiously at the dog as he stays low in the grass. Being a lion for a few days has heightened his senses and he the air itself tells him of smoke and other familiar smells that he wouldn't pay any attention to previously. Instead of making himself known, Roxas just chuckles to himself as he watches Gokudera fumble in his new form.


Re: THE DOCKS migi_te_mutt June 18 2010, 19:21:35 UTC
He slips forward, grits his canines and swings both paws down. A gasp. The cigarette is now precariously perched, and he prays a breeze won't knock it off.

Gokudera looks over one shoulder, feeling himself being watched, but unable to see the lion, turns back to his prey. He glares, wondering how he can reach that far when his furry legs don't extend down the several feet below. He can't just hang off... it would look stupid and he'd risk falling in, possibly knocking the cigarette over in the process. He begins pacing, ears flicked back as he contemplates using a bow weapon to help. Maybe he could risk it falling and carrying it up with a shield...? It's worth a shot!

The dog sits on his hind legs and lifts a paw to his neck where he attempts to focus on lighting his ring.


warriorothesea June 18 2010, 00:45:39 UTC get song lyrics for bumpers.


warriorothesea June 18 2010, 00:46:02 UTC


warriorothesea June 18 2010, 00:46:24 UTC
You'll never guess it. :|


THE BEACH warriorothesea June 18 2010, 00:47:13 UTC
Just a nice stretch of sandy beach.


Re: THE BEACH captain_dame June 18 2010, 16:35:34 UTC
Hopping from the ship to the shore really had worn him out and by the time he's away from the wake of the foaming waves he flops over onto the sun warmed sand. It clings to his skin, but it's so comfortable he doesn't care.

Tsuna heaves a content sigh before pulling off his coat and pillowing it under his head. He curls in on himself, ignoring the fact that his clothes are feeling more and more roomy.


Re: THE BEACH dragonaya June 18 2010, 19:17:32 UTC
[Aya is wearing a long white sheet, with a hole so she didn't have to cover her head. The only way she found to hide herself; the sheet reaches her knees]

Ah, Tsuna-san? [approaches him]


Re: THE BEACH captain_dame June 18 2010, 19:22:01 UTC
A fluffy brown head shoots up at the mention of his name and his ears follow, rotating towards Aya before he turns to look at her. He presses his hands into the sand, sliding forward even as he tries to sit up. "Aya-san! You're here too?" There's no way he's try to stand up, he can already feel his pants riding low, a little cotton tail poking out about the hem.


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