Video 001

Aug 11, 2010 22:00

The video is somewhat obscured by fingertips when it first comes up, until Usopp adjusts his grip. He holds up the Dreamberry so there's a clear view of him, in what looks like a small, dimly room with minimal furnishings. He looks at the device and sighs heavily, muttering to himself. "'s worth a shot, right ( Read more... )

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1/3 warriorothesea August 12 2010, 03:34:55 UTC
*WHAT THE--he wasn't expecting that* *he fumbles and nearly drops his Dreamberry before managing to catch it at the last minute*


warriorothesea August 12 2010, 03:35:44 UTC
*...wait a minute*


warriorothesea August 12 2010, 03:38:37 UTC

You're here??

*oh god he can't believe it*


1/? serving_love August 12 2010, 12:51:26 UTC
[Sanji's gotten kind of used to having his shitty-dream-thing beeping at him all the time now, so when Usopp's video pops up he only gives the screen a brief, disinterested glance-]


serving_love August 12 2010, 12:51:51 UTC
[Except...waitaminute......that is one very familiar nose...]


serving_love August 12 2010, 12:52:43 UTC
[And then suddenly he's diving for the Dreamberry, fingers scrambling over the keys and cursing under his breath until he finally gets the shitty video to play, eyes getting wider and wider because, yep, that is definitely Usopp and holy shit, he's okay and-]


serving_love August 12 2010, 12:53:23 UTC
[Sanji stabs at the call button, all prepared to yell like an excited kid down the phone à la Luffy.]


1/3 strayswordsman August 13 2010, 03:45:48 UTC
[...Is that...?]


strayswordsman August 13 2010, 03:46:21 UTC
[Holy shit, it is. You damn long-nose, about time you showed up, certain people have been worried wondering what happened to you.]


strayswordsman August 13 2010, 03:46:41 UTC
...Hmmm. Who did you say were helpless as kittens?


1/3 warriorothesea August 13 2010, 03:58:58 UTC
*knows by know that Zoro is around, thanks to Sanji, but it's still a huge relief to actually see him and hear his voice*



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