Can't find screencaps of these places. :(
There was an ancient sovani saying, that Darken Forest was a wood that corresponded to reality. It could change its very form in response to the man brave - or foolish - enough to enter it. Upon entering the forest, one would be able to feel the movement of the trees. Perhaps they would be able to feel Irina's will as well.
Nobody could see why Irina, who had always been so responsible, went to a dangerous place like that alone. But no matter what the reason was, they had to get her back.
"Irina seemed troubled by her powers, but I had no idea it would come to this... No, there's no time for that. Let's hurry to Darken Forest. I made a promise... I cannot allow Irina to be embroiled in our war any more than I already have," David told Rush before they set off.
It was said the mysterious Darken Forest had two very different faces. One a beautiful, sun-dappled grove, the other a dank, smothering wildwood out of a nightmare. It was rumoured that within the forest was an unbound Remnant, spawning many monster, and all of this was true - once the group entered the forest, it changed almost immediately. The sunshine faded, and every plant, every surface glowed with a green hue. There were ruins everywhere, and following them the group found the Remnant Dead Heart, as well as the girl they were looking for.
Up to timestamp 1:01:
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here (When Rush said "you bastard! and everyone moved a shoulder back and posed, I lol'd so hard.)
Following the battle:
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here (Dave's face at 3:06 is totally a :O. Or a facial keysmash. The garden scene would make a lot more sense after knowing the whole story.)
"Guess even that Qubine kid can be a nice guy sometimes!" Blocter said when Duke of Qubine left, pumping his arms and barely able to contain himself.
Torgal, on the other hand, remained composed as always. "Independence for Athlum was the deepest wish of the former Marquis. For it to have come to pass in this way, while muchly due to David's effots, is also due to your help," he told Rush, slipping a bit and calling his lord only by his given name again.
Celebration wasn't the first thing on David's mind, however. "The road to the imperial city is long and harsh. Past the highlands stretching east of Elysion, Berechevaltelle, and then over Mt. Vackel.... There lies Undelwalt. However, this is my first duty as representative of the Congress Chairman, and I intend to do it properly."
The Berechevaltelle highlands were found at the foot of Mt. Vackel. Its name meant the Land of Beautiful Horses. The southern path led to Crooken, and eventually to Mephina. The western path, previously inaccessible but now fixed, led to Mt Vackel - the highest mountain peak of the land. Legend claimed that a divine figure resided here... it turned out to be a beast called Heaven's Lord, guarding the entrance from the mountain to Undelwalt.
(I got the feeling that Qubine and Ghor told David to go because they didn't want to. Ow, the pain of Mt Vackel. >> And sorry, can't find pictures of Undelwalt. Have some descriptions instead.)
The imperial city of Undelwalt was an ancient and storied city. For a thousand years this town had been the seat of the God Emperor. It was once a busy metropolis like Elysion, but ever since the Congress was formed, the God Emperor's influence had waned and with it, the might of the city. Today, it held only a shadow of its former grandeur.
At Audrey Way, where the pub and guild were located, large stone pillars lined the street. These pillars were the Harmonium, the Remnant of the God Emperor. For ages it had been said that the Remnant's chime delivered a blessing upon the town. Despite the beautiful streets, the locals all said that Undelwalt was no longer what it used to be, and even said it was desolate. Some blamed the Congress for undermining the prestige and honour of the God Emperor.
North of Audrey Way was Gefyri, the marketplace that offered the highest quality merchandise in the land. Through Gefyri, towards the east, was the Castelluim. Built to represent the God Emperor's prestige, it was known to be the greatest castle of its time. This was also David's destination.
What's beneath Undelwalt looks very much like the Sacred Lands:
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here =to be continued=
Random notes: David did the Andy Lau head-tilts and gestures again. x_x