(no subject)

Jan 04, 2010 04:46



NAME: Karra
AGE: 30
JOURNAL: karra 
IM: brundle324
E-MAIL: atomiclemon@live.com
RETURNING: 3, Rory Williams, John Connor, Cally Tyrol.


FANDOM: Dollhouse
CHRONOLOGY: Post Epitaph One
CLASS: Anti-hero. She'll keep the tags. They were given to her. She'll keep the tags.
ALTER EGO:  Claire Saunders, VP of Rossum and Clinic Physician


The girl that Whiskey was before she was an Active is gone. Lost, and Whiskey has no interest in knowing anything about her. She knows who she is.

Whiskey was, as an active, the most requested and most popular of the LA dollhouse. Another active, Alpha, had recently started having glitches with his active programming and decided that Whiskey shouldn't be so popular and slashed her face with a pair of scissors during one of their post-engagement relaxation treatments.

Alpha then proceeded to slaughter many of the dollhouse staff members, including their physician, and a great deal of the other actives before finally escaping.

Whiskey was much too scarred and damaged to continue working as an active, so it was decided that she should be imprinted with the skills and modified memories of the deceased physician, therefore becoming for a time the new Dr Saunders. This was, more or less, a permanent imprint as Whiskey was still under her five year contract.

At first unaware of her previous status as an Active, another encounter with Alpha led her to discover her former status. Even as Claire Saunders, Whiskey had no interest in learning who she used to be. She knows who she is.

Things get a bit fuzzy with "Claire" for a while. She spends a great deal of time outside of the dollhouse. She returns to the dollhouse, and apparently settles back in as the staff physician. Falls into a relationship with the head of security, Boyd Langton, and allows them to perform surgery to repair the scars left by Alpha's attack. It is, apparently, a long story.

And then the world ends.

A signal goes out, sent by the corporation that sponsors the Dollhouses. A signal over every phoneline. Pick up the phone when it rings, hear the signal and lose your mind.


Every memory, every single thing that makes you you? Gone. Completely wiped clean, sucked out, gone somewhere. Unless you're lucky enough to be one of the ones who didn't pick up the phone. Or you're lucky enough to be one of those in a dollhouse.

Claire stays, of course. Boyd leaves, intent on finding a way to stop what's happened or reverse it. And Claire stays. Whiskey stays, and she takes care of the actives, who are given back their original memories, and it's almost like a small colony down in the Dollhouse. She stays and she takes care of everyone until someone comes from the outside to take them all to Safe Haven. A place where no one gets their memory wiped, thanks to some kind of new tech.

Everyone goes, and Claire still stays. To wait for Boyd to return and to point others on the way to Safe Haven. Whiskey stays, and after a while with no one to talk to and no one to care for, the imprint of "Claire Saunders" begins to fade. And still she waits. Waits and guards the Dollhouse. Keeps it safe.

For whoever comes home.

GRIFF: Did you kill our friend?
WHISKEY: I found her. She was sleeping.
ZONE: You wouldn’t even know…
MAG: Hold on a second, you guys. Hold on. How did you get down here?
WHISKEY: I’ve always been here.
ZONE: Since when do we mull this over?
WHISKEY: Are you looking for Safe Haven?
MAG: What do you know about Safe Haven?
WHISKEY: Where no one can be changed. You die as you were born. Heart in concert
with the mind.


Actives are, in general, like children. Whiskey isn't exactly any different in that aspect. Unlike most actives, she knows how to program computers. How to use complex machinery and how to defend herself and others. When she talks, her voice is even and quiet. She barely blinks, she barely expresses complex emotion. Everything is even and calm.

Actives are not supposed to form strong attachments, but it happens.  It happened to Whiskey, though it could be argued that this happened after she had a more or less permanent imprinting.

Often, Actives use repetitive phrasing like "I want to be my best", "Did I fall asleep?", or "massages are relaxing." They generally do not read anything but picture books. Actives are trusting and optimistic.
Everything's going to be all right. Now that you're here. Do you trust me? With my life. Whiskey is, in general, protective of what she cares for. Be that Boyd, other actives or the Dollhouse it's self.  No one asked her to stay behind and be it's de-facto guardian. She chose to do so.


- Memory Manipulation: Whiskey will be able to manipulate, erase, modify or repair people's memories.

- Permanence: Whiskey will be able to cobble together a cohesive personality using bits and pieces of the memories she is able to take into her mind, either using her abilities or by use of the chair.

-Astral Lockup: This ability will allow Whiskey to trap people in their own mind, where the subject is imprisoned by their own imagination.











Memory was a funny thing.  Something Boyd had said to her a few years ago, and she'd laughed, because it was funny. Because most of her memories were not her own. Most of her wasn't her.  She wasn't real, but she was.  What had been an unreality had become her reality, what had been false had become true. Whiskey had become Claire had become Whiskey again, but everything was still there.

How she felt for Boyd Langton was still there. Wanting to care for the Dollhouse, for the other actives. It was still there.  Wanting to be her best. No. Needing to be her best. It was all still there.  The memories that she'd had as "Claire" had faded, but the core of her being had not.

She would wait for the others. She could do that just as well here as she could there.  If the machine brought people here to protect the city, it stood to reason that it could and possibly would bring them here.  Victor, because he was a soldier. Echo, because she was special.

She would wait for them. She would protect them and care for them if they came. And in the meantime, she would do what the machine had asked. Care for and protect the city in the only ways that she knew how. She'd been a doctor, in another life. In another mind. She could be a doctor here.

She could be Claire Saunders here. She could be Whiskey here.

She knew who she was. She knows who she is.

Memory was a funny thing. Ha. Ha.

Notes:  She will be coming back with City Memories.


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