yeah no updates in a while and i don't feel like a major update so you get summary + Band is going well + into American University - High School isn't over yet + I'm really getting into the blood brothers + i rediscovered the keyboard and wrote a cool song on it - no band to play said song + against me! april 17th
[01] Reply with your name and I will write something about you. [02] I will then tell what song[s] remind me of you. [03] Next, I will tell you who you remind me of, celebrity/animated/otheriwse, unless I can't think of someone. [04] Last, I will try to name a single word that best describes you. [05] Put this in your journal
"We don't want a war in the middle east, if we can prevent it."- Richard Cheney, Vice President, on allegations by Seymour Hersh that United States military forces are currently in Iran.
GENERAL BOYCOTT AND WALKOUT ON JANUARY 20TH! On January twentieth hit them where it hurts.
[Edit]: eh heh Apparently in my political zeal i forgot to mention that it is nationwide, possibly global, in protest of the war and the inauguration. For more info check out Food Not Bombs, i'm too lazy to do the tags i think it's foodnotbombs.
so i haven't updated in a really really long time GCR broke up and me and chris have formed an anarcho-folk/punk band called "get che!", we've got three or four covers done and are starting on originals, i'm playing acoustic, chris electric. i got accepted to Elmira College and Emmanuel that's about it for my news
Aye so it's been a long time sincce the last update, school's started, i like all my classes, Amnesty has a looooot of stuff coming up, GCR is....., i go the star wars dvds because i am a nerd, i'm going to boston in the next few weeks to see GITS2:Innocence, beyond that i can't think of anything too new.
Wow...the protest today was amazing. I not only had a great time shouting and getting shouted at i met some really awesome people. I gave the police a really hard time about the "Free Speech Zone". More on this later and hopefully pictures.