What resolution is the original picture? If it's low, you are kind of out of luck - if you are trying to blow it up to print full page, then the software has to create new pixels where before there were none, and you are bound to get a loss of detail. If it's a high res photo, then I dunno - maybe it's your printer?
Regular old inkjet printers don't do a great job of printing photos, to be honest. You may want to just have a print made by a photography place. You can either do this at a drugstore (I think Longs usually has DIY photo printing machines) or order online -- I like Adorama. That said, what jon2 said is absolutely correct. If this is the highest resolution version you have of this image, it's probably going to come out pretty low quality when you print it, regardless of where you get it done. Still worth it to try having it printed on a pro printer though.
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