as taken from lindsays journal comments:
"if you have a fucking problem with what i say, DONT read my journal.
my turn
1. its not a rumor, cuz [EDIT: because*] i actually THOUGHT he was gay...n [EDIT: and*] um i talked to him about it?
2. youre not w/ him all the time...i heard about it from other ppl [EDIT: people*] who hang out w/ him...when hes not w/ YOU
3. i dont care if tj is my friend or not because he is no good, all he does is tell his friends not to go out w/ certain girls, cuz then the will be "whipped" even tho [EDIT: though*] they arent. considerign [EDIT: considering*] i NEVER told ryan what to do and um.. i didnt do shit to him? n tj even tried to prevent us from talking? [EDIT: and*] trying to prevent ryan n greg from havign [EDIT:having*] girl friends... maybe cuz [EDIT: because*] he doesnt want to lose them like andy? idk...but he has a gf... even tho um kissing other ppl is cheating on her? and um he sends dirty messages to my best friend asking her for quickies, to cyber..ect? not starting rumors...but you DONT know tj okay?
4. ryan would have no right to "spread rumors" that i kissed nikki, cuz i have never kissed a girl let alone her. he knows that. he kissed tj. while sober. so im not making things up. there for he would be lying and im not
5. im not saying nasty things about tj cuz [EDIT: because*] he stopped talking to me...i dont care if he doesnt talk to me, he used to be a really great guy. but he changed n hes a nasty person whether hes my friend or not. i dont condone asking your best friends gf [EDIT: girlfriend*] (me) to send you naked pictures or sendind [EDIT: sending*] a girl txt msgs while you have a girl friend asking her to do sexual thing as being a great person. its only nasty stuff cuz [EDIT: because*] thats the way he is. its the truth. DEAL WITH IT.
6. Unless you can explain to me what the other reasons are, im gunna [EDIT: going to*] have to go right ahead believing that he stopped talking to nikki cuz [EDIT: because*] of jenny. not because jenny told him to. im not saying that at all. but because everytime he gets a gf [EDIT: girlfriend*] he seems to stop talking to nikki. but when they break up shes like his door mat. there for, he stopped talking to her cuz [EDIT: because*] of jenny.
7. My facts are straight. and uh- if i remember correctly i never opened my mouth? i actually typed it in my journal as a FRIENDS ONLY ENTRY! if i wanted to start a rumor my whole school would know about it by now! it wasnt a rumor!
8. Im sorry christine. You DONT know everything, as you like to think you do. O [EDIT: oh*] WAIT!... my bad-! hold on, youve [EDIT: you've*] known tj for a month now... that means you know everything about him right? o [EDIT: oh*] yea...okay. im not saying i do? but i know what kind of a person he is WAY FUCKING better than you do. and if i dont, i know ppl [EDIT: people*] who do...who agree w/ me and can back me up on this.
9. Dont try to start shit w/ me please. if you dont like what i have to say. dont read my journal. dont try to defend ppl [EDIT: people*] you hardly know. Its just dumb.
10. PUH-LEASE [EDIT: PLEASE...*]...*rolls eyes*
<3333333 [EDIT: <3*] haha"
*ahem* this proves that you literally are a dumb bitch.
if you didnt want people to voice their opinion on what you write, or for certain people to even be able to read what you write in your journal to comment on it, dont add them as your friends. considering i AM currently listed under your friends, and there is a comment option above every entry in your journal, i am going to do so. whether you like it or not.
i never claimed to know everything? so where you got the notion that i do is beyond me. i never claimed to know everything about tj either. i just know simply that when he did kiss ryan, it was a joke. as in..not real?
that much i do know, therefore making me able to defend what i said legitly.
the phrase "PUHH-LEASE" is ditzy, and childish. i was going to say 'you are neither', but i retract that statement, because i was proven EXTREMLEY wrong tonight..
nikki should have maybe figured out that if tj only talks to her when hes single...that shes what some would refer to as a 'rebound'...a 'booty-call'...'easy' even? but thats just my OPINION...
im going to enjoy beating the living hell out of you in the near future. =)
p.s. i posted this entry public, so your stupid friends can read this also.