10 Years Ago
* I was 9 years old
* I was going to Alpine Elementary School
* I was playing Little League
* I wanted to be a doctor
* I was into video games and cars
* My best friend was Joey Cecere
5 Years Ago
* I was 14 years old
* I was a freshman at Westerville North HS
* I wanted to be a lawyer
* My best friend was Steve George
* I was dating no one
* I was still playing baseball
* I joined ski club
* I was in choir
* I wasn't the happiest of children
1 Year Ago
* I was 18 years old
* I was a freshman (major undecided) at Miami University
* I was and am still dating Claire Westervelt
* I was trying to get used to college
* I was unemployed
Yesterday I..
* Was at work from 6:30-8:30
* Went to three classes
* Worked on my project
* Ate lunch and dinner
* Got upset because I realized that I didn't mail in my rebates for my hard drive in time
* Talked to Claire
5 Snacks I like...
* sun chips
* pop-tarts
* cookies
* fruit
* crackers and penut butter
5 Songs I know by heart [there's a lot more than 5...these are ones that I've listened to a bunch lately]...
* Thrice "To Awake and Avenge the Dead"
* The Ataris "All You Can Ever Learn is What You Already Know"
* The Format "On Your Porch"
* Emery "The Weakest"
* A Wilhelm Scream "God Loves a Liar"
5 Things I would do with $1 million...
* invest it
* college payments
* give some of it to my parents
* donate some of it to charities
* start a music store or venue type thing
5 Bad Habits
* biting my nails
* cracking my knuckles
* cussing
* procrastinating
* getting angry
5 joys
* Claire
* friends
* summer
* driving
* driving with Claire and my friends in the summer
5 TV Shows
* South Park
* Family Guy
* The Simpsons
* Homewreckers
* Rocko's Modern Life
5 Guys/Girls I Would Date..
* Claire
* Diane
* West
* er
* velt
I Tag...