I've got to go to one of the many Asda stores in Warrington tomorrow..wooo! Couple of weeks until I get paid though, couple more paychecks and I'll be buying amps, guitars, fretless bass, keyboard. Instruments aplenty!! Can't wait
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Just been out. It was planned that we'd go to the cinema and see a film but, we missed all the films and Alun didn't want to see Sideways again
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A guy on a forum I regularly visit is in a competition to win free rent for a year! Go to this site and click on the picture in the bottom right corner
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I got tickets to see Bloc Party last night! I asked Sean if he wanted to come as I originally planned going to the Liverpool date but he has no money apparantly. So I texted Dave asking whether he wanted to go to the Manchester date, he did! On the 20th October Dave, my bro and I are going to see Bloc Party!! Yay!!.........how far away is October
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