Player Information
Name: Chris
Age: 23
AIM SN: KawaiiSpinel42
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yep.
Currrently Played Characters: Gabriel/The Trickster
Conditional: Activity Check Link: N/A
Character Information
Canon Source: Highlander
Canon Format: Live Action Television Series
Character's Name: Methos, aka Adam Pierson
Character's Age: Roughly 5000. He looks about 29-32.
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. N/A
What form will your character's NV take? An iPhone. It will take him forever to figure out how to use it. STUPID ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY.
Character's Canon Abilities: As an Immortal, Methos... Cannot die. Literally. He doesn't age, heals from any wound, and if you kill him? He'll just revive in anywhere from five minutes to an hour. He can only die if you cut off his head. Beyond that, he's a natural swordsman, due to the fact that to survive as an Immortal, you have to know how to use a sword and wields a replica of the sword of Ivanhoe. His technique is extremely mixed, fluid, and focused primarily on evasive action, but when pushed emotionally in a fight, he's absolutely merciless. He's killed thousands of people and he's good at it, but he's pretty much given that up now. He can sense others of his kind, and he gets stronger when he kills other Immortals through an event called the Quickening (a highly destructive event that causes explosions and huge arcs of blue lightning), but since he’s… The only one in Siren’s Port, that doesn’t matter. OR DOES IT?
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? N/A
Weapons: He has a 13th century English broadsword, heavy enough to crack a man’s skull open (
it looks like this), and an easily concealable semiautomatic handgun.
Character History:
ENJOY THIS COMPREHENSIVE TIMELINE.Point in Canon: Just after the season five finale Archangel. A Zoroastrian demon has caused Duncan to accidentally kill his friend and student Richie Ryan and Methos and Joe have just stumbled upon Duncan mourning his friend's death and then tossing his sword aside and leaving Methos to comfort a distraught Joe.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A
Character Personality: When people think of the "world's oldest man," they probably imagine an older, bearded gentleman. Someone wise and paternal...
That is not Methos. In the slightest.
You can't describe Methos without using the word "pragmatist." He practically invented the word. He's obsessed with practicality to the point where he often will argue and belittle people who make decisions based on their hearts and emotions (despite the fact that he has made decisions like that, himself) if he thinks it will end badly. "If the stupid bitch is going to kill you and everyone you love, you kill her back- you don't just let her live, because you once had feelings for her, JESUS CHRIST." He's not a heartless person (not anymore), just a survivor and to be practical and not throw yourself blindly into every situation just because it's the right thing to do is a good way to keep your head on your shoulders. He believes anything- no matter what the code of honor- is better than dying and tries to extend that to his friends. Chivalry is an adorable concept and while he's quite the gentleman with the ladies, it would take a very special woman (and he hasn't felt that way about a woman since Alexa and likely won't- that pain is too close) to get him to break out the softer side that would do absolutely anything, even stupid things, for her.
You also can’t describe Methos without using the word ‘contradiction.’ This is pretty much all something Methos puts on himself as part of his act. He wants to be known as this mild-mannered, snarky lazy asshole who spends his time mooching off people and avoiding everything, when, in fact, when pushed, he is an extremely passionate and often ruthless person. While he’s chided Duncan for his desire to keep dangerous Immortals alive, when Duncan decides to kill Lord Byron, Methos protests, as the man, though unstable, has had an impact on history and that people of Byron’s nature don’t become brilliant writers without being a little bit unstable. The fact that Byron was his friend doesn’t even come into the equation, although it may have had some impact on his feelings, hence making him a hypocrite. He tries to make people believe that he’s not in this for anyone but himself, but he does go out of his way for his friends, making the point moot.
Being as old as he is, Methos has a dedication to history that comes with the territory. He believes fully in the Watcher oath and admits that he didn’t just sneak into the Watchers to hide and essentially fade into the status of a myth- he admired what they were doing for Immortals and keeping their records safe and wanted to be part of that. He can wax poetic about historical events, but he, more often than not, makes snarky references to them like he was there (he was there), and point out how much history gets it wrong. The worst part is most people will never know if he’s lying or not- he enjoys that reaction.
Snark is a key element of Methos’s personality. He’s always ready with a quip and has a great sense of humor about everything, albeit a very dark, cynical sense of humor. He occasionally manages light-hearted, but mostly he’s just a bitter old man. There’s no doubting when you speak to him that he’s older than he looks- his attitude just suggests someone who is way more experienced than anyone his apparent age should be. He’s wise and usually always right about everything, which makes him a smug bastard. Despite this, he’s also petty and immature, prone to bouts of being an utter brat, like when he demanded Duncan’s barge after Duncan nearly got him killed and then handed it back after it had been trashed. He is, put simply, an asshole.
He’s extremely intelligent, both because of how old he is and just simple survival skills. He holds several degrees from various institutions, although all of them are kind of out of date and useless in the modern world, but he still got them. He knows medicine, law, and a variety of other things and how to apply them. However, he’s weak on pop culture- not to the point of being confused by it, but to the point where he doesn’t get the point of it. However, despite his brains, he protests vehemently that “he’s just a guy” and he does make his share of dumb shit moves, although usually not the kind that get him killed. He’s not usually impulsive, but occasionally the rash, dumbass decision will creep in. Mostly he knows how to survive and will only put himself in a suicidal situation if he feels like he’s out of options- when he first met Duncan, he provoked him into fighting him to avoid Kalas taking his head, because he would rather Duncan have it, instead. Duncan, however, refused, and Methos went on living. Despite that one suicidal moment, he has aspired to, and even has fanciful notions of, being the victor in the Game, but doesn’t actively pursue that goal. He just merely wants to live that long.
One thing it’s important to never forget about Methos is that he has been and very well could be, if pushed, a sick bastard. Long before he became a member of the Four Horsemen, he retaliated with utter cold-hearted vengeance to people who wronged him, even going as far as to damn an Immortal to an eternity as a mummified corpse for killing his wife. When he’d grown jaded and bitter of mortals and the way they treated his kind, he became cold-hearted and merciless and helped start the Horsemen, where he was guilty of killing tens of thousands of innocent people, destroying villages, and raping women simply because he “liked it.” He eventually realized the error of his ways and left the Horsemen, completely, and buried that part of his past, but it’s still there. He could very well be that man again, as we see in the alternate universe Duncan is shown in Not to Be, where after a crippling loss, Methos has fallen back as Kronos’s partner and become one of the Horsemen again. Just because he’s mended his ways and doesn’t do the things he once did doesn’t mean there’s not some edge of a monster there, screaming to get out- Kronos says as much and though Methos protests, there's a moment where he accepts that Kronos is right. Those demons don’t just go away, although he’d like to believe they do. He’s hidden those parts of himself behind other things. As a doctor, he tries to save more lives than he takes and tries to be a pacifist, even though he fights like a demon when provoked.
Capable of being extremely vindictive and cold, even to his friends, Methos doesn’t take being challenged well by people he knows and trusts- not physically. Physically, he tends to lie down and let you put the sword to his throat, usually talking you down by calling your bullshit. He doesn’t sugarcoat anything. He’s seen the world and it’s a dark gray place and there’s no place for heroes or morality or people who don’t understand the way the world works. He also has no tolerance for quitters, for people who give up, especially when they had such fire before. In an alternate universe featured in the film The Source, Methos becomes extremely pissed off by Duncan quitting and abandoning his friends and becomes incensed when Duncan attempts to leave after Joe’s funeral, acting as if most of his anger was because Joe (Methos’s best friend) left his dying words to a coward and a deserter who didn’t even try to avenge him. A lot of this may be in part to the fact that he lost Connor in a similar way (it’s heavily implied in Endgame that Methos and Connor were close) and that years of bitterness and being fed that the Highlanders were the best of them all and both ended up succumbing to their own grief and abandoning everyone was making him more cynical than ever. He truly believes in his friends and when they disappoint him, he tends to lash out at them.
He makes absolutely no illusions about whether or not he’s a good person, no matter how much he’s changed. He doesn’t claim to be and if you assume he is… Well, that’s your problem, and he says as much when Duncan calls him out on his relationship with the Four Horsemen. Again in the alternate reality in The Source, he tells Duncan that he would’ve abandoned him to be killed when Duncan goes to save him- whether this is true or not is suspect, given Methos’s mental state towards Duncan, at this point, but it’s a simple reminder. Methos is the morally ambiguous one and Duncan is the big stupid hero. In the same film, later, Methos insists that Duncan leave a traitorous member of their group and Duncan responds that he can’t- Methos, in an annoyed huff, ends up following him straight into battle, so despite his protests about not being a good person, he will follow a more noble friend into battle against his own desires when he is put into the situation. He tends to teach his dumber friends painful lessons, protesting that they’re naïve and too trusting when he’s pulled a sword on them, because they were dumb enough to hand him one. He claims he never feels guilty about anything, but that’s also another one of his grand illusions he puts on.
Love is a defining emotion in Methos’s mind- it’s not something he brags about, but love can make him do almost anything. His feelings for Duncan (get your mind out of the gutter- they’re bromantic) lead him to doing almost anything the younger Immortal asks of him, even when it means compromising his sense of non-interference or ratting out a friend- Duncan has a profound effect on him and makes him a better person, although Methos wouldn’t admit it and when he does, it’s with distaste. His love for his dead wife led to him torturing the man who killed her. His love for Cassandra (he’d never call it that and he pins it mostly on her) led him to leave the Horsemen when she escaped not long after she escaped. His love for Alexa Bond led him to risk everything he’d built with the Watchers to steal the Methuselah Stone on a gamble that it might save her from dying of cancer. Even in the aforementioned alternate reality, it’s the murder of his girlfriend Jillian that prompts him to rejoin the Horsemen.
He’s loyal, but his loyalty is the loyalty of a cat. He tends to drop tidbits of information as a means of protecting a friend, but that’s about it, unless pushed. He couch-surfs, mooches, and tends to invade people’s homes and businesses and, occasionally, secret documents, with no regard to how they might feel about it. He’s also been known to use the Watchers as a means of keeping track of people who have histories with his friends, which makes him kind of irritating stalker. He’s occasionally useful, but mostly he prefers to be annoying, spacing out his quirks with the occasional kernel of truth and wisdom.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A
Character Plans: Methos is canonically a neutral character- he stays uninvolved, hides himself, and basically lives the Watcher oath on his own terms with his own addendum- observe, record, never interfere, and stay alive at any cost. Putting him in a place without the Game means that Methos will be more ambivalent than normal, because he won't feel compelled or forced to do anything he doesn't want to do. He's more likely to park his ass at Merlotte's, snark at the patrons, and be generally nonchalant about everything. Not his problem and aside from the whole alternate universe/people with superpowers thing- nothing he hasn't seen before.
My plans are to make things his problem. First of all, he'll need people to consider friends. Methos is more compelled to help friends, even if it's just being their pragmatic buddy who they hate because he's right 90% of the time. He'll also need some morally righteous moron to make him their "project"- essentially, be the guy (or girl) who drags him into things, reminds him he has a conscience, and forces him to take an active role. He has training as a doctor, a lawyer, and a researcher, so he'll be likely to take on any of these roles, although the first one would be more of a "private care" thing, the second to be a troll, and the third will probably be his legit job.
If at all possible, I'd like for there to be a few "offscreen" NPC newcomers just to keep Methos on his toes, otherwise he'll get lazy and sloppy and... Just for the hell of having a Quickening in the middle of the city. YAY DESTRUCTION.
Link to his iconset. His PB is Peter Wingfield.
Writing Samples
First Person Sample [When the video feed clicks on, it’s like it was absent-mindedly tapped. Methos’s hand is sitting near the NV, while he focuses on the pile of books at the library table he’s sitting at.]
Five historians out of ten agree that there’s nothing to agree about. [He slams the book shut and glances at the NV.] For being a phenomenon that everyone has an opinion on, there aren’t all that many concrete facts, are there? What I want to know is what exactly is the Core? What does it have to do with this… Pull that’s keeping us here? And why exactly I can’t go out after dark without worrying if I’m going to be eaten by something?
Anyone feeling particularly enlightening today?
Third Person Sample: Methos felt... Well, violated and this was coming from a man who had endured numerous plagues, a couple of witch hunts (one of which he failed- and being burned at the stake is exactly as painful as it looks, thank you very much). Whoever these SERO people were, they were thorough and he was mostly doing an evasive dance to keep them from poking too much in his jacket. He was not going to explain why he had a sword and a gun (a gun that had its license expire around five years before "Adam Pierson" was born.
"Pardon?" He asked, turning exasperatedly to the woman who had asked him a question that he'd missed thanks to shaking off the people attempting to examine him for the injuries he swore up and down he didn't have.
"Do you have any abilities?" She repeated again, tapping her pen on her clipboard.
The kneejerk shock and urge to draw his sword and slice his way through the crowd to get away didn't show on his face. That's precisely what he needed- 'Man gets derailed on the way to funeral, kills fifteen people with a sword.' Low profile, Methos.
"No," he said, flatly. "What kind of question is that?" His nose wrinkled in disgust, playing out how offended he was that she was asking him stupid questions.
"It's proced-"
He held up a hand to silence her. "Spare me the bureaucratic bullshit, miss. I have a funeral to get to. You can find someone else to take your bloody census. I'm out of here." He moved off and the woman cleared her throat, causing him to stop and turn to look at her like he might be attempting to murder her with his brain.
"I'm afraid that won't be possible."
"And why is that?" He snapped. He felt trapped suddenly. It wasn't a good feeling for an Immortal who once called himself 'Death.' How, precisely, had he gone from being on his way to a graveyard to attend a friend's funeral to being accosted by this lot again?
Rather than giving him a direct answer, the woman stepped forward, "Welcome to Siren's Port."