Title: The Fifth Night
illyriaz_shell Original Publish Date: Sometime in 2004.
Rating: PG+ (some innuendo)
Takes Place: Post - "Fool for Love" in Season 5
Pairing: Spuffy
Summary: Takes place right after "Fool For Love." Buffy’s still waiting for the results from Joyce's CAT scan. Spike comforts Buffy in many different ways. But does the brief break from rivalry last?
Disclaimer:What it would be like to have power over Spike? If I did, or any of the other parts of the lovely universe created by Mutant Enemy, then our Universe would be a very different place. Sadly, I don’t and it isn’t.
A/N: I wrote this many many moons ago (I would guess close to at least 2000 moons by now, yikes!). But it was my first fic and I still think it has a good quality about it, so I thought I'd dust it off, shine it up, and post here on lj.
“What’s wrong?”
”I don’t want to talk about it.”
”Is there anything I can do?”
~"Fool for Love," Buffy the Vampire Slayer
It was the fifth night in a row she sat worried on the porch steps, in the backyard of 1630 Revello Drive, trying to find some peace and quiet from her stressful life.
It was the fourth night in a row she turned amusedly to the rustling of the bushes and declared, more than asked, “What, no shotgun tonight?”
It was the third night in a row he'd sighed when replying “Don’t fancy me any more of a headache than I already got, pet.”
And, it was the second night in a row where she absent-mindedly shimmied over so that he, with no objection, could share a comfortable step with his mortal enemy.
Before Spike could open his mouth, Buffy answered “She’s doing ok. We still haven’t heard much of anything. Tomorrow, they’re gonna show us…well, me, the X-rays.”
“How’s your mum doing? I bet she’s as willing to stay in that gawd awful hospital as much as I’d be to swagger about the beach on a hot summer’s day.” Spike said as he reached inside his coat. Buffy flinched a little (in case he was bluffing earlier), but was only slightly relieved to see a Jack Daniels instead of a pistol.
“Oh, she’s ready to get out all right. I think by now hospitals give her an even bigger wiggins than they ever gave me.” Buffy groaned. “I just want the tests to say her brain is only chock full of brainy-goodness, no substitutes, and finally mine will be less likely to explode.” Buffy leaned heavily against the pole. Spike concentrated on her for a second, took a good, long swig, cleared his throat, but managed to remain perfectly silent.
Poor girl, he thought. She’s so stressed. The Lil' Bit is probably causing half of it, and there's no-one in her life capable of relieving it…Spike took a quiet whiff of the air. Buffy took no notice. Speaking of Captain Cardboard…
What Spike caught was the mixed stench of too much cologne and unchecked testosterone. He was either near by, or had been inside the house all day long. It would make sense. From what Spike could tell, Riley had been hanging around Buffy a lot in the past couple of days, ever since some unnamed party may have implanted into his brain the doubt of his significance in the Slayer's life. A certain hurt and knowing look on the Boy Wonder’s face was enough to make Spike chuckle under his breath.
“What?” Buffy queried.
“Oh, nothing. Liquor makes me all giddy.” A lie. “That, or murderously vengeful,..” He smirked a coy grin. “Which isn’t saying much, now is it?”
Buffy grinned. Spike wafted again, figured that the scent was too diluted for Riley to be there right then, so he leaned against the opposite pole, avoiding dangerous splinters, and continued contentedly with his fifth night of banter and comfort.
It barely even creaked as the handle turned to open the front door. Just that instant, an anxious Riley walked into the Summers’ residence, being careful not to make any loud noises. Buffy had been exhausted that day at the hospital, and he wanted to come to her house to see if a) she was finally getting some much needed rest or b) she, from what he could tell was the third night in a row, was chatting with the platinum blonde hostile about things she wasn’t chatting about with him.To his dismay, his jealousy was confirmed when he decided to check the back porch before he checked her bedroom. Instead of going out and spoiling the special moment, Riley decided to keep an eye on his girl, in case Hostile was up to something funny.
Spike was in a state of extreme confusion, showing none. Why are you sympathizing with the Slayer. No more of this puppy love nonsense. Comfort, sure. But only to get closer, so the kill is that much sweeter.But he couldn’t help loving the scent of strawberry hairspray and the vanilla moisturizer.
She couldn’t help hating the fragrance of cheap liquor and unfiltered cigarettes.
Ok, Buffy thought. This should be weird. Shouldn’t this be weirder? The Slayer couldn’t help thinking that perhaps this nightly routine was getting a little too routine. But he seemed to be the only one who listened to her; the only one who wasn’t pressuring her to give up her emotions for someone else. The only one who even pretends to care wants to rip my neck out. Go figure.
“So, how are you? I mean, fifth night in a row and all. I’m starting to think your either completely off your bird, or you can’t wait to get home each night and have some awkward conversation with a, let’s face it, mindless bloke.” He turned towards her, “and after that, come out here to talk to me.”
“Hey!” Punch to the right arm. “Lay off Riley. He’s been trying uber hard to make sure I don’t,” she narrowed her eyes and dropped her voice, “go off my bird. Not that a cozy little one-on-one time with someone you loath isn’t doing the trick.”
Ouch, that hurt. “Trying to help? Tall, Dark and Human not succeeding, then?”
“No, no, no. Insert exasperated sigh here. It’s just he’s been, oh, I don’t know how to describe it. Lately, he’s just been a little…jealous…”
Ha. I knew Soldier Boy couldn’t take it. Poncy bugger probably thinks I…
“…of my mom. I’ve been spending a lot of time with her. Well, all my time. I think he feels I’m ignoring him or something.” Buffy looked down, an expression of guilt spread across her face. Why did I just tell that to Spike, of all people? She corrected her mind; creatures. Spike of all creatures.
“Well, that’s bloody selfish of him, in’ it? Your mom, layin’ sick in the hospital, an’ he’s worried that he isn’t getting enough snuggle time. In my day, that would deserve one right between the eyes! Mothers, for those of us who have good ones, are more important than significant others, especially when the mum is sick” Spike said in a genuinely heated tone. His forehead was squinted, showing his real concern about an issue.
This kind of anger took Buffy a back a little. She never considered for a second, up until now, that he actually cared. Buffy didn’t like liking it.
Riley couldn’t take this anymore. He gritted his teeth. He didn’t like not being able to hear the dialogue. . Riley’s insecurity got the better of him.He first tried to slowly open the window. No luck. Riley couldn’t lift it without jiggling the lock, and he knew from trying to open the kitchen window before that it squeaks. He kicked the banister on his way up the stairs to Buffy’s bedroom. For a girl who had prowlers and enemies all over town, she sure had no qualms about leaving her bedroom window open. Probably a leftover habit from Angel.
He continued up the stairs, holding in a tear. Sure enough, the window was ajar, and he quietly limped towards the open air, listening for a trace of anything incriminating. Spike was sitting on the step alone, looking towards the house.
Buffy shut the back door silently as she stepped back onto the porch. “There wasn’t anyone at the door. It was just a picture frame falling.”
She held up the shattered frame. Only bits of glass still clung to the picture of Buffy, Dawn and Joyce. Buffy sat back down and held the framework tightly in her grasp. Spike watched as golden curls covered her face, now shrouding her expression in mystery. It took no stretch of the imagination to visualize a look of pain, and at a moment where he should be relishing the image, he felt nothing but sympathy. Spike took the bold move he had only tried the one time before, on their first night, and reached out to pat her back. She didn’t take much notice, but at the same time, she didn’t flinch either.
“Is this a sign? Is this what’s happening to my life?” Buffy motioned towards the broken glass. “Is my world falling apart? Shattering?” The eye hidden from the vampire shed a single tear. “Mom could have a serious problem. Dawn’s going crazy with worry and driving everyone nuts. Riley’s so insecure. I’m breaking down in front of a vampire. I just want this back.” She stroked the picture. She whimpered as she sliced the tip of her index finger on the shard.
“Oh great. And now I’m going to bleed to death,” Buffy chuckled through her tear. She began sucking on her finger to stop the bleeding.
Spike increased the pressure of rubbing her back. He reassuringly said “Now, now, now, pet, don’t be like that…” and motioned towards her wounded finger, “Didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s important to share?”
This comment was followed by a huge jolt in the shoulder. Spike playfully stuck out his tongue, and they both giggled. “You’re sick!” She looked towards Spike, who still had his tongue out, and then, to her horror, used it to lick his lips.
“Pig!” This time he was the one to get it between the eyes. He continued to laugh, and to his great delight, she was still snickering under her breath. Good job, Spike, you got her laughing. She always looks beautiful when she’s happy. He ran his hand through his tussled hair.
After a moment, when they had both calmed down, he went back to comfort man mode.
“Aww, Slayer. Hate to remind you, but as long as there are evil bastards, such as my gorgeous self, your life is going to be anything but a bloody walk in the park. Maybe a cemetery beside the park...." Slayer eye-roll. "But seriously pet, you gotta realize that this is just a hill on a dangerously bumpy road. You’ll get over it, ‘cause you’ve got your family and Scoobies to pull you along when it gets rough.” Now it was Spike’s turn to look down.
“I am now going to drink my ass off so I can forget this overly sympathetic moment that has forever erased the terror I once struck in your heart.” Spike took an inhumanly large swig of his bottle. He offered his booze to Buffy, who recoiled. “Aww, please forget with me!”
“No thanks.” Buffy said emphatically. “After that whole beer fiasco last year, I only use alcohol for disinfecting near-mortal wounds. Speaking of which, I finally got some time, when mom was sleeping, to get this fixed.” She lifted the bottom of her shirt.
Oh god Slayer! Why did you have to that? Bare slayer stomach. “Riley’s help notwithstanding, it was killing me and I couldn’t go another night without proper stitches. Slayer healing wasn’t kicking in fast enough, and I felt a whole load of guiltage piling up since the gang has been patrolling the last few nights.”
“Getting rusty, then?” questioned Spike as he raised that incredibly sexy scar. “Maybe you being off the job is good news for me then. I can have myself that good day you promised me, eh luv?” As soon as the words left his lips, he was mentally flogging himself. Crossing the line! She’s going to ask you to leave, moron. And it was going so well
“Oh, thanks. That was soooooooooo comforting. Really, that helped.” Buffy sighed. She turned away from the vampire and started rubbing her shoulders in an effort to feel warmer. So far, it wasn’t going very well.
Don’t apologize. Too obvious. “Hey, come on.” he tapped her twice on the shoulder. Spike then stood up, and started darting back and forth to get himself revved up. “Come on now. Let’s go then. Let’s do it.”
Buffy’s eyebrow raised. “Do what? What are we doing?” What are we doing?
“You need to keep your practice up. Isn't going to be any fun draining you dry if I knew you were fighting below par. So,” he held his hand out to her and asked with a crooked smile, “do you want to dance?”
Buffy took a skeptical look at the hand. “Sparring?” He nodded his head. She said, “I’ve been sparring with Riley. I don’t think so.”
Shot down. ”Come on, luv! That boy couldn’t last two minutes with an animal like you. A Slayer needs a real vampire to fight. It’s like pancakes and syrup. One isn’t really good without the other.” He moved his hand closer.
Buffy lowered her voice and amusedly said, “Well, it’s true that I don’t have the perpetual need to beat the living daylights out of Riley.” She gracefully took his hand. “I accept. And maybe after, now that you mention it, we could get some panca...”
“Good then.” Buffy felt a sudden jolt as he pulled her entire body off the steps and threw her over his shoulder. As he let go and she was flying through the air, Slayer agility instictually kicked in and she landed on all fours but with feline grace. She took a huge breath and looked at him with daggers before she did a back flip and stood in a defensive pose.
Spike casually looked her up and down before offering, “One condition. No wood.”
“You’ve got to promise that very same thing.” Buffy said straightly.
A devilish smirk spread across his face. “Deal. Let’s go, Slayer.” He came at her swinging.
He touched her. She showed him her stomach. They had been flinging innuendos back and forth. Well, actually, it was mostly that jackass. But now they were sparring? Not fighting, sparring. For a man who had incredibly short fingernails, Riley’s fist seemed to be bleeding quite a bit. How could she spend her time with Spike instead of him? He was losing it. If this didn’t end soon, he was damn well going to make sure it did.
Punch. “Why isn’t,” Kick. “this causing,” Block. Block. “your head,” Punch. Punch. Kick. “to explode?” Duck. Sweeping Kick.
“Because,” Jump. “I’m not focusing,” Duck, Kick. “on hurting you.”
And just as he said it, the image of one of his blows actually landing merely flashed in his brain, but it was enough to signal intent to the chip, which sent out excuciating jolts of electricity. His head exploded and then her foot connected with his jaw. Spike licked his lip, and sure enough, there was blood. “Bloody lovely. This isn’t going to work if you keep yapping. I’m gonna lose my bloody concentration.”
“Sorr-eee. I thought we were fighting here. There’s always casualties.” Punch. “Fine, no more talking. And stop licking your lip, its grossing me out.” He came at her with a roundhouse kick.
Wow. He really is a quick fighter. We’re pretty much matched right now, and he’s trying not to hurt me. I could definitely get used to this. She took quite a notice to the grace and strength in his blows. He really was built to kill, and as another being built to kill, it was something she could definitely admire. Plus he looks really hot. No! Bad Buffy, Bad. Not hot, just cute. Remember Riley?
Who, that guy who can’t last 2 minutes in a round with you? This guy here is a warrior. And, what's more, he seems to genuinely care.
Whoa Summers, slow down. Spike equals evil, bad, vampire. Get a grip. Buffy grabbed the back of his neck and threw him to the ground.
Spike rolled and leapt back up quicker than Buffy could count.
“You want me to lie down, luv, all you have to do is ask.” Spike wasn’t kidding. He lunged at her with the force of a tiger, and Buffy’s arms shot up to deflect the blow. Spike flew over her shoulder, and though he tried to regain his balance when he landed on his feet, the force of her toss got the better of him and he slammed into a tree.
Spike stood there for a minute, frozen, and looked to his left. Under his upheld arms, a fairly thick and pointy branch jutted out, ready to dust any vamp who leaned against it too heavily. “You just leave those things lying around, growing from trees and such? That’s bloody dangerous. You could poke someone’s eye out.”
“You’re right, it has proven useful before. It’s a shame you couldn’t demonstrate that tonight.”
Spike grabbed the branch. With the other arm, he elbowed it and it snapped off, well, like a twig. A quick backhand throw had the branch flying at the Slayer’s head, but with a hand as quick as lightning, she was holding the newborn stake.
“I thought you said no wood.”
Good god, she’s quick. Didn’t even see that coming, Spike thought admiring her speed. He looked at the wood in her hands. “Just thought we’d make this interesting.”
From Buffy’s bedroom window, Riley stood. He was thrilled that finally Buffy had a weapon in her hand and could finish that vampire off and make it look like an accident. Or not. His urge to kill had been rising for the last few minutes. Even though he was looking from a distance, he could clearly see that he didn’t like what he saw in each other’s eyes.Spike’s eyes hid a desire Riley could see that was deeper than bloodlust. And Buffy…well, she had a look of longing, and comfort, in her eyes that Riley dared not to examine any further. Riley wasn’t one to think himself overreacting, and there had been several times he thought of jumping out the window and surprise them, just to end the whole scene.
But he regained his confidence and faith now. Spike was going to die. All would be right in the world.
Kick. Block. I. Jump. Dodge. Love. Double Punch. This. Reeling back from a punch in the face. Girl! Spike could remember having a better time. Maybe, because he was dodging blows and thinking wasn’t his strong point when he was fighting. Or ever. But here he was; mudslinging with a mortal enemy, sparring with a Slayer, his specialty, and comforting the girl he was slowly realizing he had a major thing for. He definitely didn’t want this night to end.
The fighting had slowed down for the moment. Neither of them were tired, but they had been fighting non stop for about ten minutes, and after such a time, one needs to regain their balance.
As Spike did, Buffy lost hers as Spike dropped to a crouch and swung his foot around. This caught Buffy’s legs as a surprise as she tripped backwards. Hard. She closed her eyes.
But the cold ground never came. Buffy opened her eyes, and instead found herself in grasp of cold leather. She looked up, and not a few inches in front of her face was the face of Spike. She felt his muscular arms through the worn leather, one across the back of her shoulders, and the other dangerously around her lower stomach and back, and both were clutching her tightly. In this moment of appropriate panic, Buffy never felt safer in her life.
God, look at her. Position I always wanted the Slayer in, and killing’s the furthest thing from my mind. Ok, well, it’s clearly there too, but…Why isn’t she moving? Spike looked down at the girl and smiled. “Never thought I could sweep you off your feet, eh Slayer?”
Buffy smiled, but failed to move. She just stared into his hungering eyes, waiting for her "kick-Spike’s-ass" instinct to show up. It never did.
There they were; Vampire and Slayer, in each other’s embrace for a time that wasn’t measured. Looking into the enchanting cerulean depths, the mystic hazel truly saw something she hadn’t seen before. Everything in her mind shouted move!, but the piercing gaze, the neatly tussled hair, the smell of liquor, the goofy but appreciative smile, and the fact that he was a vampire sent had too many conflicting misfires in her nervous system, that Buffy found it easier to just shut her brain off completely.
Spike had just decided tonight was the happiest night of his life with this very moment. It was so perfect, it seemed to last a lifetime and yet was snatched away in an instant when he subtly wafted the air.
Instead of the sweet smell of strawberries he so desperately needed to inhale, the bitter scent of rage stung his nostrils. So soldier boy is here, he wondered as his glance broke away from Buffy’s to look up to her bedroom window. Spike got himself a wicked idea.
Missing his gaze, the slayer was caught off guard as the muscular vampire spun her body out of her arms. She rolled, but quickly found her footing. This was when her brain kicked in, and she was confused. Buffy didn’t like being confused, so now she was mad as hell. Senses regained, she realized she had a perfectly good punching bag right in front of her to let it all out on.
Buffy lunged at the vampire with animalistic ferocity, but he deflected her with a kick. She whirled around and sent another roundhouse kick in his direction, but he simply grabbed her leg, and sent it spinning in the other direction. Buffy became dizzy and lost her balance.
She again felt the strong grip of leather, only this time it was holding her arm behind her back, and she was as good as paralyzed. She felt the coolness of an unnecessary breath on her exposed neck.
“Get up,” he ordered. She didn’t budge, and he tugged upwards with the captive arm.
“Come on, pet. Get up with me, or your really going to hurt the both of us.” His throat was pressed against the back of her neck, and she could feel every vibration of his voice, especially the hearty chuckle he emitted after his little bargain.
This is so degrading. She slowly pushed up one leg, then the other, until both her and the vampire were fully upright. She felt his cheek against her ear, and the slight tingle shooting throughout her body was enough to silence the bitterness in her mind. Her adrenaline was pumping, and Buffy thought she was genuinely scared.
“I…” Spike huskily whispered, and Buffy could almost feel his grin as he said, “…win.” His hand slid down from her shoulder to grip her upper arm. As she felt his head move down towards her exposed jugular, she was horrified to realize that the tingle before hadn’t been fear at all.
“Boo,” was all she heard when the movement of the body behind her had stopped. The light went off in her head. Spike. Chip. Damnit! And as her body prepared to send the vampire one right between the eyes, all her head could do was giggle.
This was not what Spike had planned at all, although honestly, he hadn’t had a real plan so much as gone with the flow. But he began to chuckle as well. Neither of them was sure what was so funny, but Buffy stood there in Spike’s grasp, and they both began to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.
In fact, the mystery joke was so entertaining that both of their keen instincts failed to notice the open door behind them. A clearing of the throat was enough to snap them both back into something resembling reality. They turned to see the silhouette of a large and angry man, but as their eyes adjusted to the new light source, the anger on the man’s face was clearly being used to mask pain.
“Uh…Riley,” Buffy was taking in what this must look like to her boyfriend. “This isn’t…Spike was just…”
“Biting you? Don’t tell me this isn’t what it looks like. Were you planning on moving?”
At that, Buffy jolted, and Spike reluctantly let go as her scent escaped him. This was less than ideal, but the look on the bloke’s face was beyond priceless. He hid the smile creeping on his face, since he could see the fire was already doused in gasoline.
“We were just, you know, sparring. No offense; I know you two have been at it all day. Just sometimes, to let off a little steam, she prefers to tackle us bumpy-forehead types.” That was too much, and the eyes on Soldier Boy’s face as he pieced together the other day’s argument gave Spike the icing on the cake that was this perfect night. He grinned.
“Leave her alone!” Riley practically dived off the porch, stake in hand. He was going to make powder out of this jackass if it was the last thing he did. Spike saw this coming and only continued to smirk as Riley brutally raised his arm in for the kill when…
A small but powerful force caught his wrist before he could strike. He followed the arm that held him until he was looking not at the face of a Slayer, but a deeply pissed off girlfriend.
“What the HELL are you doing!” she demanded of the large figure who, had an unknowing onlooker witnessed this scene, only appeared to be more powerful than his mouse of a spouse.
“YOUR job!” Riley shouted back.
“It is not my job to kill Spike!” Buffy screeched without even thinking.
“Here, here!” agreed the wide eyed Spike who, despite appearing cocky, was unsure that the Slayer’s arm would have caught the lug’s stake wielding fist in time.
“Not your job? Not your job! It says right in the name ‘Vampire Slayer’ that, yah, you’re job is exactly that.”
“He wasn’t going to bite me. He can’t. Chip, remember?” she eyed Spike. “Tell him!”
“It’s true, mate. Your buggering army did a bloody good job to make even the thought of draining a Slayer too painful to even daydream.” He held his head to demonstrate to Riley, just in case he was too slow to remember what his lot had done to him. However, Spike was not one to have a way with words when it counted, and realized a little late that the mention of ‘draining a Slayer’ was not helping his case in the least.
Thanks a lot, Spike. Maybe I should let him kill you. No, she sighed. He’d been a help tonight, and even though he was Spike, she wasn’t going to punish him for being there when she needed him. “Look, he doesn’t even technically register as a vampire anyway. I mean, he’s pretty much a helpless bystander as threats go right now. It wouldn’t be far to kill someone when they’re that…impotent.” She smirked. Ok. Maybe a little punishment.
“Hey! I am not…that.” Spike covered. He was grateful the Slayer was protecting him, but he wasn’t about to let himself be emasculated in front of the walking testosterone machine.
“Look. Just stop this! Nothing’s going on!” Buffy pleaded.
“He needs to leave you alone!” Riley shot at her.
“I’ll decide who I will and will not spend time with thank you.” Buffy was not one to let a man protect her, and especially not one to have a man control her life. But Spike figured that this was not the way he wanted the conversation to go if he wanted to come out of it in anything but an ashtray.
“Don’t stand up for him. Don’t choose him over me. Stop choosing eveyone over me!” Riley barked at Buffy. Her eyes widened and she was ready to give him hell.
“Will you just stop all this jealousy! Just stop…” she began to lose her resolve as a tear caught in her throat, “…stop all this. First Mom, then Dawn, now Spike?” She wasn’t going to cry, not again. Emotions would get in the way of what she wanted to say. “It’s not about choosing them over you! It’s about me being needed. Why can’t you just support me!”
Buffy couldn’t hold it in any longer, and a stream of tears poured down her burning cheeks. Bugger, Spike cursed himself. Definitely not the way the plan was supposed to go. Should really think these things through. God, she needs someone to hold her hand right now. She’s trying to be strong ‘cuz the Slayer bit, but it’s just making it worse. Captain America, put down the stake already!
“You know what? This is a lover’s spat I choose not to end up dead in. I’ll just…yeah…” and Spike began to walk towards the bushes. He felt a small hand around his left arm. He stopped, then turned around to see the Slayer looking him pleadingly with her eyes swimming in tears. The two rivals communicated through longing stares. There were no words, but they could feel what the other one was trying to say.
If you leave now, you’re not coming back, are you?
Not this place pet. Too dangerous. He nodded and his expression changed. Don’t worry, I’ll be around.
He smiled, and then was off towards the cemetery to leave the two of them to work out what only he could admit to seeing as a doomed relationship. He’d thought he would have some satisfaction in knowing that it was partly his fault, but he was too angry with himself for being angry with himself for causing the Slayer heartache. Damn this chip! You’d think they’d programmed me a bloody conscious or something! And then Spike was cloaked by darkness.
When Buffy turned towards her waiting boyfriend, she was sure she saw steam coming out of his ears. She looked towards the stake he slowly lowered, noticing blood dripping in his hand; most likely his own. She didn’t care right now. She was too confused.
Riley took the hint. He quietly trudged to the side of the house, leaving Buffy alone to deal with her emotions. He was too shaky to be her support beam right now, and headed home.
And as the two men who truly knew Buffy’s feelings walked in separate directions, she pondered the irony of who each of them were; the man she loved and the monster she loathed. And for an instant, just a fleeting instant, she had forgotten which one was which.