I finally got back to writing. So I have something I literally threw together in 10 minutes. Want feedback and help with a title.
There isn’t a single cliché
in all of humanity’s great vocabulary
that could ever come close to describing you
Like frozen smoke
some ethereal web
is this reality or some surrealist vision?
Melting clocks have nothing on this
So tell me, my little spider
did you weave this tapestry
this threaded fable?
Are you Arachne’s long lost son?
Some trick is played though there is no illusion
it’s almost a miracle, but something tells me you’re magical
what is the secret?
Could it be that you’re Houdini?
Better to pray in the rain
than to beg in the sunlight
I’ll never find one, even if I search through eternity
On another note, it's really cold outside, and leaving the apartment is literally dangerous. Austin almost broke his wrist, and I keep wrenching my back because I catch myself before I fall. Hurray for frozen stairs. Chris fell and hurt his leg too. All the ice is going to kill me, and my car won't start.
Well I'm out.