tempera nce takes our bodies through the after life re us ing and re li ving it over and over aga in so that we maytake thousands of forms and wil ll continue to take thous ands of forms.
te mperance always re presents bot h life and death.
Temperance: Avoiding alcohol, or drinking in moderation!
Courage: a purple cartoon dog!
Wisdom: teeth!
No, I kid, darling. It is often hard for man to achieve all three at once. We can be courageous, but thoughtless. Wise, but weak. Temperance may be the one thing we can all gain without too much counter-action. Master temperance and you will learn wisdom, and when you learn wisdom, you will learn courage. When you learn all these, you can stand up for what's right with a clear mind and sound answer.
Yes! Y-you could ask a hundred people and still not get the same two answers. If you wanted a specifci--, um, a spes--... a certain kind of answer, you'd have to use different wording, right?
Temperance is moderation or self-control of your actions.
Courage is the strength and bravery you have inside of you in order to fight your own battles.
Wisdom to me comes from many people because there can be wisdom in the elderly, however, on the other side of the spectrum, there's wisdom coming from little children.
Yes, there are different types of wisdom. There can be mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological, philosophical, metaphysical, wisdom from your elders as well as different types of wisdom.
However, how you want to look at the word wisdom yourself is dependent on you.
As people pursuing to become this personification of Justice, "L", and wisdom being an important factor to achieve this status, which type of wisdom do you think would help us the most in our ventures to become the successor?
Comments 33
courage : th a twhi ch gives us the a biltity to live life
wisdom : that which gives us the ability to un derstand life
Why for temperence "remixing of life" though?
te mperance always re presents bot h life and death.
[ Filtered to J // Unhackable ]
A few people are getting really worried about S. I've told him that I want to talk to him. About how he's been acting lately.
...Do you think it's a good idea?
I honestly don't think it's a good idea...
Maybe if you were there, he'd be a little more likely to speak up? You two seem to be really close friends.
Courage: a purple cartoon dog!
Wisdom: teeth!
No, I kid, darling. It is often hard for man to achieve all three at once. We can be courageous, but thoughtless. Wise, but weak. Temperance may be the one thing we can all gain without too much counter-action. Master temperance and you will learn wisdom, and when you learn wisdom, you will learn courage. When you learn all these, you can stand up for what's right with a clear mind and sound answer.
These three are what the ancient Greeks believed to be the characteristics of a Just person...
One who is a personification of Justice.
There is no right or wrong answer. I'm just curious.
Courage is the strength and bravery you have inside of you in order to fight your own battles.
Wisdom to me comes from many people because there can be wisdom in the elderly, however, on the other side of the spectrum, there's wisdom coming from little children.
However, how you want to look at the word wisdom yourself is dependent on you.
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