Aug 05, 2029 14:40
Do you think I am playing Chigusa wrong or out of character? Do you think that I need to review her canon?
Then post here with your comments about how I can improve on her here.
All comments are welcome!
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Comments 5
For example, in her intro post, it's reasonable that she'd be shocked and have the expression to go with it, but she wouldn't be nervous and stuttery---She'd probably be more defensive and angry. In general she should be more curt and blunt when talking to people, even when she's distressed, and not shy at all. For example, she wouldn't be so hesitant on using the worth 'death'. Nor would she smile or be polite unless she was particularly close to anyone. She also has a bit of a foul mouth. To be blunt: When I see you play Chigusa, all I see is Polka. Chigusa is not Polka ( ... )
When I wrote up the application, I had watched the movie/blu-ray and read the novel as well, but you are right, I was really worried when I posted the application in the first place and then felt I wasn't doing her justice at all.
I wasn't trying to make her into a Polka clone or anything, I was focusing too much on one part of my application rather than on what makes her.. well her.
As for the name clarification, thanks.. I will fully admit she isn't the only girl I've messed up the name of :(
Thanks for offering me your icons and I will look through your posts to improve on her voice.
In general, thanks. I feel really bad because I am a big fan of the film and the novel.. and figured I would know her characterization better that I do.
Sorry if this is too rambly :(.. As I said above, I've been worried about her voice for a little bit.
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