Title: Arashi ("Storm"): A NOIR fic
Author: Wye (w.y.back)
NOIR (the anime)
Pairing: Mireille / Kirika
Rating: R, may be higher later
Disclaimer: "NOIR" and its characters are the property of Bee Train and its creators. I'm just taking them for a strictly non-profit spin. The only thing that's mine is the story below.
Spoilers: Just to be
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Comments 6
Argh... My feels! They hurt so good!
Man, it's been a long time coming, but it was worth it. You certainly are in fine form for someone who hasn't written in a year. ;)
I still don't understand everything that's going on, but it hardly seems to matter, it's just a reminder I really should get around to watching this series (which you got me to buy, btw). It's like that feeling you get when you stumble across a new show that's destined to become a favourite halfway through a season. Not everything makes sense yet but you feel it in your gut that it's going to be good. Make sense? Well, just in case it doesn't, the scene is so vivid and perfect I know, even without the full backstory, that this is awesome. Perfect climax.
I'm looking forward to seeing how you wrap it up. Hopefully you stop making my update schedule look good next time, eh? ;p Seriously, take care. What I really hope is that the stupendously wonderful things in your life outweigh the horribly bad ones.
So it's a HUGE relief to hear that it worked. Whew, thanks! Not that I deliberately set out to hurt your feelings or anything. ;)
Uhoh now I'm afraid I've ruined the series for you! Talk about spoilers. To me, Noir is definitely worth watching (though it does have shortcomings, like the 5,000 flashbacks). I liked it the best among Bee Train's "girls with guns" trilogy (Noir, Madlax and El Cazador de la Bruja). When you do get around to watching it, turn the volume up. The music is excellent!
Heh did you ever get the feeling that when it comes to updating, Mel's muse is on one end of the scale while ours is kind of near the other end? ;) I definitely slid past you on this one though. Thank you! So far the good does outweigh the bad.
*sad smile* Mel's muse is definitely one of a kind. Don't know how the two of them do it, I just wish I could pump out quality content at such a breakneck pace like they do.
Edit: Never mind that comment about the music. It is really awesome.
Okay, not sure what I said to merit that sad smile but hey, your muse pumps out epically long, intricate chapters that stomp where others fear to tread. Yes, Mel's muse is one of a kind. But so is yours.
I must say, Wye, the wait was well worth it. You are still in top form and still a master with cliff hangers. Although this chapter leaves us with the unquestionable truth of how Kirika and Mireille feel for each other, I still wanted more.
Reading your story has now gotten me very interested in this anime. Assassins have suddenly become very beautiful and silently lethal. Yup! Will need to research on this one.
Keep up the great writing!!! You feed our fantasies pretty well.*wink*
On a personal note, I do hope the bad stuff will be better and the good stuff make you happier.
Definitely recommend the anime! It's 26 episodes so it takes some watching but maybe we can get around to it sometime.
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