Title: Dee of the Damned
Author: Betafish
Rating: Adult
Summary: Most of the world denies the supernatural. They do not know of a world in which there are slayers, demons, or other supernatural elements. They believe the world, like themselves, to be fairly average. Reality is mundane, or so Dee believes until she is kidnapped and reborn
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Comments 12
I loved it, of course! Jessie was just too funny with her glass licking and Giselle sounds like a total hottie! Loved the "lack of impulse control". Peter- now why did I think he was a whimp even during the nightclubbing at the beginning of the fic? Hmmm..
Phil, on the other hand- WANT HIM NOW!
K, that is all...
...and don't worry. There'll be a lot more Phil. ;-)
I loved that Dee shed her "shackles" both physically and metaphorically after being with Jessie. Almost as if that still human part of her that loves her friends was combating her demony self.
Billy, poor guy, all confuzzled there but still liking the girl lovin's *giggles* yep poooooooooor Billy huh? But why wouldn't he come out to his friends hmmm? I mean to Phil sure but his friends? Interesting....
And Phil is just, well interesting. Bright, quite, snarky, hmmmmm a bit williamesque if you ask me. *grins* but I'd love to delve into his background a bit.
Oh and peter and giselle. Will we get to see them again? Cause i'd love to know why peter was such a blind follower, and just learn everything about Giselle cause she's just too cool!!
Ok i'm done, i'm friending, i'm pimping. :) *pokes lightly* updates soon yes?
(and yes i know i sound like yoda)*grins*
i loved it.
I'm also glad you noticed some of the use of metaphor, I was hoping it wouldn't be too subtle and go unnoticed.
Billy, well, he's a complex and confused character. His story is going to be slow to develop but that's necessary (and won't come to a head until Part 3). Don't worry, your questions will be answered!
Phil and Peter will both get fleshed out more in the rest of the story, I think you'll find Peter's story to...nevermind. No spoilers here. :->
Giselle...you will definitely be seeing a lot more of Giselle. She is a seriously key element to the entire story and to how everything unfolds...and unravels.
More as soon as it's done, but I'm not posting anything until I have Part 2 finished (read as: the next 12,000 or so words), so please be patient. I'll make sure it's worth it! :-)
Updating Part 2 to L.J., I soon will be! ;-)
Thank you again,
and yep, can not wait. If ever you need more cheerleading or athena needs some back up..let me know!!! *grins*
Please feel free to add me betafish
the Betafish
Will be waiting patiently for more, well actually I'll probably be biting my nails and begging for the next part. *hugs*
I'm currently about 7,800 words into Part 2, and counting. As soon as Part 2 is finished I will post that as well.
So glad you liked it! Lots of twists and turns (and more sex, of course) ahead.
Big Hugs,
the Betafish
I'll be finished with it soon. Hopefull before I return home from Izmir.
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