I know the auction starts tomorrow but does it run for more than one day?? (My internet connection has been horrific lately so I don't dare try to load the .NET site right now)
Thanks Kitty! This computer better be running properly by next week so I can get into a last minute bidding war LOL There's about 5 things I want, but I MUST HAVE THAT GUITAR :D I'm kind of afraid of how much it's gonna sell for though!
It's a pretty guitar. There's a clip of Shaun playing it on the Band Journal. It's also a heavy guitar (to me). I had to carry it to his hotel room so I could shoot the video clip!
I don't care what it looks like, it was his first guitar! How precious is that? LOL (that pic of him as a child holding the guitar is hilarious!) I hope I win at least one of the auctions...but if not I'll donate some money to the charity anyway cuz I'm nice like that :D
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