All right. I've never had one of those in Eway, but I thought it might be fun.
Please comment here if you think that your character should be on here (= your character has interacted with Lithuania enough for Liet to have an opinion on him.) and I will write up a little something about them.
reckless-eagle ]Poland. Oh, Poland. Where to even start. It's a bit strange. They don't have known each other for that long, what are a few decades for a nation. But already it feels like they have been by each others side forever, and it has come to be hard to imagine a life without his partner, friend... husband. Because they are married now. Like, married married.
Lithuania is still not completely sure how this happened, and why nobody he has spoken to so far seems to think that it is really strange. Why nobody has objected. What is more, though, is that it just makes him really, really happy. Just being together with Poland, talking, touching, being there, loving, being loved. Safety is an aspect, sure, but there is so much more, and sometimes, in between events when everything is nice and peaceful, it just seems like a long honeymoon (though he wouldn't really know).
Outside of events, that is, and when none of the residents are up to evil. A lot of things have happened; Poland getting hurt, learning about their future, the whole mess before him and Poland finally talked to each other about certain things, and then himself dying. He'd rather not be here, but he also has met wonderful people and ...well. He doesn't know what will happen between them as men, not nations, once they are back. He's sure that being with each other like they are now will be harder.
For now, he just feels like the luckiest man in the world to have Poland at his side. Even if that means a lot of work.
demiurgos_girl ]Elaine is Poland's friend, and a very nice girl, and pleasant to talk to, and an angel. She's also friends with Lucifer. That is wehre things start to get a bit complicated. Because Lithuania is quite sure that that is a bad thing and normally would make her a bad person by default, but she isn't a bad person. At first he thought she would reaveal a dark side now that she had kept hidden, but... she just stayed Elaine. And she doesn't seem to be a very deceptive person.
So, while he would not trust her completely anymore, he still thinks of her fondly and would call her something like a good friend of the family, if him and Poland are one.
itsahotone ]Lithuania is still a bit confused as to what she does for a living. She certainly looks like a whore, and behaves like one, too, but he hasn't really heard of anyone buying her services yet. And he doubts that she would be expensive enough to advertise herself descreetly - the way she runs about really tells every thinking person otherwise, right?
While she isn't really a pleasant person, she doesn't seem to be a danger at least, and if she really needed help, he would help. Just... well, as straight as Lithuania is except for that one person, she most definitely is not his type and he would rather not be associated with her, that might damage not only his reputation but possibly make for a bad record in the Lord's book.
...finding Poland in her clothes was really, really traumatizing.
Sasagawa Ryohei
kyokugen-sun ]Ryohei's and Lithuania's first meeting wasn't exactly a perfect one. Or rather, their first not-meeting. It took Lithuania a while to come to terms with the whole POLAND WAS IN HIS ROOM IN A DRESS AND DRUNK in a way that made him on a rational level think that Ryohei really is a good and honorable guy. (The whole killing him by accident will probably add a whole new level of awkward to it.) But on an emotional level, the first impression and the first shock still sit deeply in his brain and make trusting him a bit hard.
Rosemarie Hathaway
rebelroses ]Rose is a sweet girl, though she can be very strong willed. Lithuania likes that in a girl. She reminds him a bit of Belarus (Lithuania-googles-version of Belarus. Not the real one), and he'd totally adopt her into his house or something if ever needed or possible (never mind that she is the older one; maybe as a sister?)
If she ever needs help, he'll totally be there to help her.
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