The day I said "What the fuck?" ~

Nov 14, 2008 03:03

Mind you, rarely a day goes by when I don't think or utter said phrase at some point or another. Life is crazy like that, especially at my house and with my circle of friends. But at times I feel like I just can't take it anymore.

Today was payday, for all the good that does me. It's also rent paying day, that time of the month my landlord lets me slide to before knocking on my door and politely asking "WTF?!" When I get my pay, the first thing I do is pay the oh so important loan payment. Can't miss that one or bad things will happen -- especially since I've had to take out such a large multiple of loans I dare not miss one payment. Then I have to make payment to the Cosa Nostra who own the repair shop that fixed my car. They're expensive as hell, but they're the only ones who would let me get the repairs and carry the balance on an account. Then comes the ever so important filling-up-of-the-gas-tank. Fortunately, gas is down to $2.09 . . . unfortunately, I don't have $2.09 nowadays. All that was taken care of, I finally managed to go get the rent out of the bank.

Only to discover I don't have it. I'm short.

This was the majestic "WTF" moment.

As someone who has studied a shitload of History, I was never more reminded of the Great Depression as I was today. Before I learned better, I had always wondered how anyone could hate a time when eggs and milk and such groceries were so low priced. Cars were practically a drop in the bucket, and most everything was cheap. Then I learned no matter how cheap something is, it doesn't matter shit if you don't have the money for it. Right now, in this ultra-poor rural state I live in, food and gas prices are dropping, but so is the pay. The piss-poor hotel I work for is struggling so bad thanks to Prez Bush putting the screws to everything everywhere, that they're cutting hours or, in some cases, whole jobs. I suppose I should be thankful, but in true American fashion, I'm not. I'm just pissed.

For one thing, I get paid pretty well for this area. Not damn fantastic, like both gerald_tristan and keldros do, but a sight better than most. However, thanks to economic shit, I've gone into some debt trying to pick up the slack for the poor utility companies who continue to raise their prices during this wonderful moment in time. And it doesn't help I'm the only income in my family -- being single does that. If it weren't for my friend and quasi-roommate rasputin76 pitching in and helping, I'd be living back at home with my Mom. ( Brrrrr. )

All in all, I despise working hard and in the end, I got nothing to show for it. I couldn't even afford to give the Boy Wonder a birthday present this year, and it looks like Christmas is gonna be coming off the shelves of the local 7-11.

This rant brought to you by the letter "W". ::grrrrr::
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