I feel like putting David on these polls is a bit of a gimme -- he's squaresoft doing their best to make somebody sexy, so yeah. He's. Yeah.
But I also love Revy's design so much -- despite the tanktop and the short shorts I don't ever really read her as dressed to titillate -- but her attitude and her tattoo make her pretty sexy, imo :d
ESTELLE IS MAINLY ADORABLE but in game Yuri and Judith try to tell her she isn't sexy and she gets really upset! She is too! You guys, she can totally be sexy, okay! >8< TEE HEE HEE LOOK THERE SEE, SEXY.
IT IS A REALLY GOOD GAME IN MANY WAYS but Estelle was so instantly charming the moment we met her.
Yuri has to explain a high five to her
and she spends the rest of the game teaching it to everyone else in the party. Making them do it with her at the end of battles. SO EXCITED FOR THE HIGH FIVE. She needs to high five people in Camp.
Comments 14
But I also love Revy's design so much -- despite the tanktop and the short shorts I don't ever really read her as dressed to titillate -- but her attitude and her tattoo make her pretty sexy, imo :d
Yuri has to explain a high five to her
and she spends the rest of the game teaching it to everyone else in the party. Making them do it with her at the end of battles. SO EXCITED FOR THE HIGH FIVE. She needs to high five people in Camp.
things i should not post on the 13 year old's journal: this.
things i should probably just not post: also this.
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