
Feb 05, 2007 17:27

Ewwww, this stinks majorly. Not that I can SMELL ANYTHING. D< Stupid colds and there stupid stupidness. The only kind of boogies I like are the dances! >O Go congest someone else's nose, germs. You're unwlecome here.

Well, I guess I'll have to fess up, and go to the Infirmary.

. . .


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Comments 10

lefty_flip_blue February 6 2007, 04:39:47 UTC
you okay?


water_hammer February 6 2007, 16:54:06 UTC
Nope. Not one bit. The okay-ness is gone. I really don't want to go to the Infirmary.


lefty_flip_blue February 6 2007, 18:39:46 UTC
maybe I can bring you some pepperup potion. that usualy helps with colds.


water_hammer February 6 2007, 20:25:08 UTC
That would be awesome if you would!


proudgreenauror February 6 2007, 16:08:17 UTC
*runs into her on the way up from visiting Lee*

Whoa! Sorry, Meru! You don't look so good... are you going down to the hospital wing?

[[I figure Gai knows her already since they're in the same house. That ok?]]


water_hammer February 6 2007, 17:00:45 UTC
Ack! Whatchit!


Hey, Gai! Wait... Hey, hey, hey! You can READ MINDS NOW?! =O But, yeah, I'm going to... that place. Unfortunately.

((OoC: Well, considering their... shared crazy exuberence, I wouldn't doubt it if they knew each other.))


proudgreenauror February 6 2007, 17:05:37 UTC
It's a GIFT!! *shiny grin* Hope you feel better. At least Lee and Honey can keep you company!


water_hammer February 6 2007, 17:09:40 UTC
What a GIFT! And, thanks. I'll be sure to talk with them~


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