Of Dancing and Boredom...

Nov 30, 2006 01:44

The lessons were something interesting. I, of course, didn’t need them, but it was something to do, right?! Maybe, next time, it’s best not to try to do a hand-stand with a wall so close. Oww. >_< My heeeaaad...

Sooo... nothing much else is going on now, huh? Besides Hogsmeade, and I'm not even allowed to go there. o_o*sigh* Well, that's that ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

_chizuru_chan November 30 2006, 01:47:37 UTC
I don't think we've met; what's your name~?


water_hammer November 30 2006, 01:54:47 UTC
You don't know me? =/ Hmm... well, I'll just have to change that...

The name's Meru! What's your name?


_chizuru_chan November 30 2006, 02:15:27 UTC
I'm Chizuru! What house are you in? It can't be Gryffindor; I'd have recognized you by now~

[[Do you know what's funny? 'Meru' is my name Japanese'd. XD I have to sign all my assignments as Meru. I'm not crazy about the name.... XD]


water_hammer November 30 2006, 02:22:30 UTC
I'm a Hufflepuff! 3rd year, to be exact!

So, you're a Gryffindor, huh? What year are you in?

((Ahh... Meru was going to be my dog's name. XD;))


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