
Oct 04, 2003 20:16

en&d )

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Comments 11

alannak October 4 2003, 19:23:45 UTC
ahhhhhhhhh <33333


sovietsnowman October 4 2003, 19:46:58 UTC
i concur


water_inmylungs October 4 2003, 20:13:33 UTC
alanna: does that mean to neuter?
that gave me the biggest coughing fit of the day


toodumbforthis October 4 2003, 21:14:23 UTC
haha I was thinking when i was looking at the pictures "Is that Alanna?"


zoyaa October 4 2003, 20:02:41 UTC
oh man, lmao, i kept thinking who that "girl" in eddies house was.. but uh.. its NOT a girl OOOooOOO.


water_inmylungs October 4 2003, 20:12:42 UTC
mike might be pretty but im pretty sure hes not a girl.
i hope not..


sovietsnowman October 4 2003, 22:12:51 UTC
i dont appreciate that, unless youre into chicks to, in which case . thats cool .

i also dont appreciate you naming that picture 'pretty girl'

although, i gues it does suite that particular photograph .

fin .


water_inmylungs October 5 2003, 05:50:30 UTC
dude. i was joking.
theres a simpsons episode in which marge drinks long island iced tea and then tells lisa youre a pretty girl.
i do that to everyone.
and just for the record, no im not into girls.
sorry if you misinterpreted the name of the picture.


sovietsnowman October 5 2003, 10:02:33 UTC
lol, you take me too seriously.


water_inmylungs October 5 2003, 10:07:53 UTC
pssht so what if i do


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