OOC Information

Jan 19, 2009 16:21

Name/Nickname: Ash
AIM/E-mail/Contact: AIM: thouartshade /E-mail: AuroraV19@hotmail.com
LJ: meadowofpeace

Canon Character and Series: Yuri Shibuya, Kyou Kara Maou
In-Game Name: (Seaman?) Yuri Shibuya
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Position & Ship (first and second choice for position please): Seaman on Victoria II, and if not that then Cabin Boy.


Yuri stands at an average 5'7". He is waiting for his growth spurt, but it is unlikely that he will ever be as tall as his brother Shouri. His eyes and hair are a pure obsidian black and his skin is tanned. Build wise, Yuri is toned with semi-delicate features (particularly when it comes to his face and hands). And despite being a member of the Victoria II crew, he prefers to wear all black. This is a conscious choice, and it represents the family he left behind in Solare, Ivona.


Yuri is what one would term an eternal optimist. He will find the one bright note in a situation against all odds. This, unfortunately, also causes him to be a bleeding heart. Any cause that is misrepresented or unrepresented, he will side with and fight for until he is blue in the face. This trait comes from his roots in Solare as well. Because he was born in a lower middle class family, Yuri learned early on that if he wanted his life to change for the better, he had to speak up. As a result, he took it upon himself to speak up for those who couldn't find their voice. He has gotten used to being roughed up because of this passionate mission, but that doesn't mean he will go quietly when someone decides to hurt him. Yuri has been known to scream and beg and sometimes run. Self preservation is not dead in him: it is simply dormant.

Yet, that information only covers how he appears outwardly to other people. Inwardly, Yuri is a much different person. He is shy, uncertain of himself and relatively clumsy with his emotions. When he feels something strongly, he may not seem to question it when in the company of others, but when he is alone: that is another story entirely. Yuri is the King of Second Guessing himself. It would be helpful if his second guessing was logical, but generally it is not. He feeds off of his emotions, and despite questioning himself over his actions, he will generally come to the decision that makes him look the most impulsive.

But, despite all of this, Yuri has a warm, sweet heart. He loves children and he loves helping others (even if it gets him into trouble). Above all, this boy is naive. He hasn't experienced enough of life to realize that there are some times when one should learn to say "no". But he will learn as time progresses.


Yuri knows how to use a sword as well as his fists when it comes down to it. He also has an odd attraction to water. His family possesses elemental magic, particularly when it comes to air and water. Thus being on a ship is the perfect occupation for Yuri. He can help protect those aboard with his powers if a skirmish between Victoria II and another ship and/or the weather occurs.

(How he is able to protect them is by channeling water out of the clouds and creating barriers of various shapes and sizes.)

How well can your character hack?:

He can't. He is doing well to control his own powers much less venture into discovering the thoughts of others.


Like I said, Yuri is a bleeding heart. If someone is particularly good at lying, he will probably fall for their story. He is also tentative when it comes to fighting (though he does know how to do it). He doesn't like violence in any form. It actually makes him quite nauseous.

As for weaknesses connected to his Magic, there are some. When Yuri uses his Magic too much, he will often pass out and fall into a state of unconsciousness for several hours. Otherwise, he will be fatigued from the use and need to rest.


Born in Solare, Ivona to a lower class merchant family, Yuri is the second son in the Shibuya family. Because of his father's reputation, news was always forthcoming in their household. Yuri often listened at the door of his parent's room - even as a toddler. He would grow upset over the stories that drifted from Ivona's great enemy Vohemar. Shouri, his older brother, was usually the one to find him and soothe his tears. In fact, Shouri was the one who truly raised Yuri. When his parents fought or became too caught up in their own worries, Shouri was Yuri's saving grace. He would play with him and teach him important lessons. For example, when Yuri was old enough to get on the nerves of those outside of their household, Shouri taught Yuri how to use a sword. Yuri still prefers to run rather than fight, but Shouri should get credit for trying.

Unfortunately, the fights grew more violent as Yuri became older. After a particularly bad one wherein Yuri's eyes were blackened and his arm broken, his family convened and decided that it was too dangerous for Yuri to remain at home. Yet he was still too young to be away from home for too long. Thus he was more or less stowed away with his studies until he came of age.

When that day came, his father took him on board his ship. Yuri spent three years getting used to life on the water after that: learning the ropes from both his father and brother. Yuri found that he truly belonged on the water. Rocking on the waves day and night was soothing for him, and when he turned 16, he discovered the reason why. After getting into a fight with one of the crew members on his father's vessel, Yuri summoned a creature made entirely out of water that knocked the man into the sky. He was saved, thankfully, but from then on Yuri realized that when his emotions were high, he had a tendency to do...odd things...with water.

He has kept this trait more or less quiet since joining Victoria II.

Under his father's orders, he is on a mission to salvage his family's name. He wants to do good in the world (as well as see it). Yuri is an adventurous spirit at heart, and though he has trouble interacting with others, he is happy to be apart of the Victoria II crew. Though he does get terribly home sick... Especially at night when the moon is full. The glowing white sphere reminds him of Shouri, and a promise the brothers made to one another when Yuri was very small. Shouri told him that he would give Yuri the moon one day... Yuri realizes it's silly to expect such a thing now, but when he was a child, he had believed Shouri with his entire heart.

OOC: Here is a random pretty! (Btw, watch the High Quality (HQ) version. Click on the arrow symbol and select the HQ option. :) )

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