Owen's birth story.

Jun 14, 2007 11:48

Don't mind any typos or bits that might not make sense, I wrote it after having no sleep for over 24 hours lol

Sunday 10th of June, I noticed bub wasn't moving all that much, so I rang the delivery suite and they told me to come in to get bub monitored. It was about 4.30pm and Matt had started dinner, so we got the kids organised and took their dinner over to my mums house. On the way to mum's I started having some painful contractions, but I put them down to being BHs because of what happened on Friday and because they were irregular.

We got to hospital at 6.15pm, drank some cordial and sat around. The contractions started coming more frequently, every 2 mins and were fairly painful. Bub gave a few good kicks, so we stayed put and watched the Big Brother double eviction while we waited for someone to come examine me. I didn't have my hopes up after only being 1cm dialated on Friday, but the midwife said I was 3cm. Just as she was telling me the bag of waters were bulging, they popped, so then I was 4cm at 8.30pm(woohoo).

We were then carted over to labour and delivery at around 9pm. had a doc come and put a thingo in my hand as I tested positive for strep B and needed 2 doses of antibiotics over 8 hours. They gave me the first dose at 10pm. The contractions started picking up, so I decided to hop in the shower. I stayed there for about half an hour, then walked around in the room and hung off Matt whenever I got a contraction.

I remember Big Brother uplate coming on and the middie was going on and on about it, felt like telling her to shut up because the last thing I wanted to hear was stuff about big brother when my contractions were getting soooo painful.

At midnight, I was getting really agro and asked for some pethadine. My lovely middie knew that I didn't want it as I had said I didn't in my birth plan, so she said she'd give me half a dose but she wanted to check me first. I agreed as with Bailey I had pethadine too close to when he was born because they didn't check me first and he was very lethargic. She did the internal and I was 6cm. She then suggested that because I was on the bed(I was tired and dozing between contractions) that maybe I should try getting up. She knew I didn't really want pethadine because I had stated it in my birth plan. I decided to try the shower again and the middie asked if I'd like a bath and perhaps have a water birth. I jumped at the idea and hopped into the shower while I waited for them to fill the bath.

5 minutes in the shower and 3 strong contractions, I felt the urge to push. Poor Matt started to panic and went looking for the middie(lucky she hadn't gone too far). I told her I have to push(here I am standing in the middle of the room dripping wet in the nude lol). She didn't really believe me til the next contraction hit and I was leaning over the bed and moaning(I had barely made any noise during my labour). I was pushing, matt and the middie were standing behind me, but I had no idea what they were talking about. When the contraction passed I said, I really do need to push. They quickly got me onto the bed and his head was already crowning.

4 big pushes and 10 minutes later, Owen was born. He was put onto my chest and I held him for about 1/2 an hour. I wasn't allowed to feed straight away because I had only had 2 hours of antibiotics in me and they had to get some fluid out of his belly first. Once they had done that, He latched on straight away and fed for a good 30 mins.

He is 4125g(about 9lbs), 49cm long and head circ of 37cm(omfg he has a big head!). Managed to get away with only a tiny graze too

I must say I couldn't have asked for a better birth!!
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