Title: Innocent When You Dream
waterbird Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Written for the
hd100 Song titles challenge and the
100quills 'Miscommunication' prompt. Inspired by Tom Waits's
'Innocent When You Dream'.
The stench of blood and rotting things is gone, and the screaming, too. A
log crackles in the fire. The room's warm, dry, and Draco feels clean
Someone's rubbing his feet. God, it feels good. No-one's touched him this
way in a long time.
'You've had enough, I think,' a voice says.
Potter's at the other end of the bed, kneading back into Draco something that can't be named right now.
The light changes, and even with his eyes still closed, Draco flinches at the sudden sharpness.
'Enough!' The hands, rougher now, calloused, shake him awake. 'Your Lordship's waiting.'