ugh, i really hate it when teachers give us homework over the holidays... i've got math, english, and a bunch of government stuff. for english, i gotta read hamlet and do a project on it. for gov, i've got a paper to write and a chapter to read for the next exam.
but enough about that. :> i saw harry potter last friday, so here's a cut for that:
goblet of fire )
Comments 10
And there is nothing wrong with treating your puppies like children >.>
-goes and sleeps with hers-
we saw her at some kind of honorary teacher's function at the highschool, and we were all decked out in baggy black pants and chains. so we waved, and she was like: ":D -wave-" to our faces, and then she turned around where she thought we couldn't see her and was like: "-nervous glance = i do NOT know them :O-"
it was a little funny. |D;
i dunno. i used to sleep with my little puppy all the time, but i wouldn't switch voices and make her "talk" to other people around me in public. o_o;
she's worse now, kurt tells me war stories.
-shakespeare nerd-
i miss you too, darling. ♥ been workin' on gov. all day/night. for some reason, i work better at like...3 am. C_c; no good.
dont u think its hilarious that through out the books he is supposed to be pretty much passive to anything that happens and alweays finds the good in things but in the movie you have a 90 year old guy takling a 15 year old and yelling and screaming at him lol just think about it and picture it duznt it make you laugh
mostly it just made me a little sad inside. :|
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