Title: Hate
Characters: Prussia (Young), Holy Roman Empire (Young)
Notes: Written on a whim, inspired by despairable circumstances.
"I hate you!"
I was close to tears, fighting back the urge to pound his chest with my small hands and instead pushed him away, his face of open shock at my declaration. But that only lasted a second, because when I turned back to look at him his face was one of undying hatred and anger.
"I hate you more! I'm glad you're running away, because NO ONE EVER FUCKING WANTED YOU ANYWAYS!"
The words struck me like a blow to the chest, momentarily stopping my progress and leaving me breathless. I turned to face him fully, lowering my eyes so I wouldn't have to look at his tear-strained face, his eyes so full of hurt, but his posture and face saying he hated, hated me so much.
"Bruder, if you hated me so much, you would've let me leave without a word instead of putting up a fight."
Silence. He couldn't say a word, and he knew I knew that. Instead he chucked a rock at me, missing me by a foot because of his bleary eyes, and stomped back towards our-- his, house. His house now, since I was leaving.
I just hope he'd be alright on his own.