Title: Music Soothes the Savage Beast
Characters: Rome, Germania
Prompt: Rome/Germania, Music and Domesticity (Found:
Notes: They say that music soothes the savage beast. A friend drew
art based on this.
Rome found that if he played a bit of his harp, his golden-haired lover would cease to be a beast and become a pet. He would lumber over from wherever he had been previously to come sit near Rome, whether it be on an empty chair or even the floor. The sweet melody the stringed instrument sang must have touched the other's heart for even a while after the last, dying note had faded into silence, for Rome was allowed to touch and play with those flowing gold locks of his barbaric companion. The time it stayed like that depended on the mood of the stoic and usually stone-faced man (who would acquire a soft, peaceful look on his face when the harp was played), from when the sun moved a bit to when it seemed to soar across the sky like a bird.
It was at these times that Rome and even Germania felt at peace.