Title: A Pokémon Tail - Feuer
Characters: Prussia, Germany (Young)
Notes: I was playing Fire Red when I came upon a Growlithe and had a sudden spark of inspiration. The Growlithe described is a rare Shiny Female Growlithe, distinguished from their non-Shiny counterparts by their golden fur. Feuer is German for Fire.
It was a weird dog, the ten-year-old decided, with golden fur and strange black stripes running accross its back and legs. The pup's tail was fluffy, as was the weird tuft of fur on its head. It stared at him warily, then looked up at the man standing over the two.
"What is it, brother? It doesn't look like any dog I've ever seen..." The younger started out, looking up at his older brother with an experssion of confusion. The elder laughed and ruffled his golden hair.
"It's called a Growlithe, kid. A fire type, see? I caught her off of Route 7 when I was coming back to check on ya."
The boy turned back and stared at the Growlithe, then tentatively reached out his hand. The Growlithe sniffed it cautiously. A small lick from the pup assured the boy that she wasn't going to hurt him, and he rested his small hand on her head.
"She's yours, squirt."
The yougner was surprised when he heard this; his brother usually collected the Pokémon he caught and wouldn't even let him go near them. But this one was his?
"Really brother? Danke!"
He wrapped his small arms around his brother's leg, smiling brightly up at him.
"Yeah yeah, what are ya gonna name her?"
The boy thought for a moment, staring hard at the strange-colored Growlithe, whose coat shined unnaturally and eyes were narrowed in mischief.
"... You're so original, Bruder."