01 The Surfing Mouse

Aug 25, 2008 22:04

Title: 01 The Surfing Mouse, a one off, written for a challenge at the watermelon_wave community

Challenge: write a fic that features the act of tying a knot into a cherry stem, while the thing is in your mouth, without using your hands of course ...

Author: garvaldmains
Rating: not sure, just kissing really!
Characters/Pairings: JP/JA
Spoilers/Universe: No spoilers, set in the 'Serve and Protect' universe see below
Wordcount: 1,454
Summary: Jensen is desperately trying to read Jared's book; Jared is bored with just watching him so decides to show him a trick...
Disclaimer: Dont own 'em, shame really

Links :: Serve and Protect Main fic

Banner and icon by the wonderful hay1ock

That was singularly the hottest thing I have ever seen you do with that clever mouth of yours )

#01 cherry-stem-knot

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