Title: Doomsday
Prompt: Impending doom
Word Count: 520
Summary: There are some things that just signal the end of the world coming. This was one of them.
Notes: ...lollllllllll. Written for Sue, much amusement ensued.
Doomsday was near.
A normal person wouldn’t have even seen it coming-Greg had already convinced himself of that. He’d tried to warn a couple of them, but all of them had scorned him and walked away. Thrien (“I swear, one of these days I’m gonna knock some sense into that dumb head of yours.”), Searth (“…are you quite certain?” Smile. “Hasn’t this occurred rather frequently in past years?”), and even little Isabane (“…big brother says not to listen to your foolish fancies.” Nod, nod, thumb in mouth. “You’re silly, Greg!”)! But still-he could see it coming. He was positive.
After all, Korlithia was being downright nice to him!
It had all started that morning. He’d been sitting on one of the counters in the kitchen, enjoying his cup of early-morning-pre-breakfast-post-waking-cup tea, and Korlithia had come in. That in itself was strange enough; she never came near when he was there. After all, the estates were filled with servants; she usually took the morning meal in her sitting room. She’d said it once: “In doing this, I can avoid confrontations with those of your type of foolishness. I rather dislike the starts of a headache so early in the morning-it puts a shadow over the entire day afterwards.”
But that day, she’d come down herself. And to make matters worse, she’d held a conversation with him!
“Does our dear cook know that you enjoy his countertops so much?” she questioned him, raising an eyebrow before reaching up into the cabinets.
“Why, my dear Korlithia-are you stealing my tea?” He’d not been expecting that, either-hadn’t she always said his sorts of tea made her ill because they were so “terrible” (lies and slander! Lies and slander!)?
“Hardly stealing, I believe, when the person who paid for it is taking of her own.” He hadn’t even gotten a warning Look for that! That in itself was enough to make him blink. She turned back to the cabinets then, continuing to poke through them. “And if you have this much left, perhaps I should arrange for smaller shipments. Are some of these… dusty?”
Greg paused a beat, eyeing her over the top of his cup. “Now I know you’re lying to me. We just got that shipment in two days ago.”
She raised an eyebrow at him, pulling a small bag of tea leaves from the back and showing it to him. “Dust. Quarter-inch thick, no less.”
His expression brightened. “That’s the special stash! You stopped getting that kind last year. It’s being saved for special occasions or instances of extreme pain.” The two were interchangeable, in his experience.
She’d given him that scrutinizing glance a long moment more, then turned back to the cabinet. “Then I shall just content myself with a cup of jasmine white.”
“Best on rainy days,” Greg offered. “I’d recommend the Earl Grey for this early.”
And-horror of horrors-she’d almost smiled then! “I think I shall make my own choices, Greggorion.”
Even now, hours later, he was still shuddering over the thought. It was the end of the world! IT WAS COMING.