Assorted: game drabblets, 01

Mar 30, 2008 17:21

The beginning of a huuuuuge surge of drabblets written in the past week. XD;; All of these were written for the game going on over at caer-awen. I've done about 20 of them so far, so, uh, this is going to be broken up. >.>;;

All drabblets were required to be MAX 100 words. >.>; This was difficult.

So let's get this show on the road!

Prompt: 057 - open and blazing
Characters: Kamina
Word Count: 100

It was him and his brother-the entire way. It didn’t matter to him what the rest said-he knew the truth in his heart, knew what he’d follow. “The dai-Gurren-dan never backs down!” he crowed triumphantly, surveying the new land they’d won. The wind blew out towards him, his father’s old cape billowing out-Kamina grinned, fixing the glasses on his face. “Here’s where everything’s gonna change,” he proclaimed, feeling the truth of his words. “Break away from the ground itself-up into the heavens! Right, Simon?”

They’d come so far already-with manly power and spirit, they would make it!

Prompt: 124 - hope for things not seen
Characters: Riku, Kairi
Word Count: 100

All she knew was she felt his presence. “Riku?”

He didn’t respond, but she hadn’t expected one, either. “Riku, I know you’re out there… somewhere,” she said aloud, closing her eyes. “It’s okay.” She paused. “We just want to find you-no matter what! It doesn’t matter what’s happened in the past. We’ve always overcome it before.”

Another pause, and she smiled, balling a hand into a fist. “So don’t worry. We’ll definitely find you.”

She whipped around as she heard the telltale sound-she just caught the back of long black jacket.

And they were both comforted by her words.

Prompt: 104 - they cannot fall
Characters: Ian, Seyabi
Word Count: 100

The ship thundered onwards.

“We’re nearly through, gentlemen!” the first mate cried, stabbing her long dagger through the body of one of the creatures trying to climb on board. “See the end of the fight in the distance? We’re nearly out of territory!”

The captain spun the dial on his gun, leveling it at a nearby creature. They would not be taking his passengers as well as they had taken his little girl back then.

The first mate glanced up at him, uncharacteristic worry lining her brow.

She’d make sure that they found the little girl again. For his sake.

Prompt 211 - incorruptible and fragile
Characters: Kana
Word Count: 100

She was bubbly enough for her age, but she had more than one good reason to be. “Enjoy life,” her sisters had said, laughing. “You only get one.”

Lots of people were surprised to hear she lived in the town. “Isn’t it vicious?”

Kana had always only smiled sweetly at them. “I get by!” she’d beam. “I don’t know what people are talking about-everyone’s really nice there!”

You didn’t grow up there not knowing how to get by-“My dagger thinks you’re an idiot-and it tends to express its opinion rather violently, if you get my drift.”

She was still beaming.

Prompt: 120 - only a shadow
Characters: Kana
Word Count: 100

Shadows of their other selves.

Kana felt the change coming over her and closed her eyes, falling back into it. ‘I’ll let you take it from here.’

‘A wise choice-the innocent should never do too much killing.’

‘One has to be innocent before that comes into play,’ she responded.

Still-she faded back. The other one would do the work necessary, and while she was busy-Kana could explore the shadowy world she found herself in.

‘Stay out of the garden.’

That was the only warning she’d get, with no hint to the consequences-but she’d seen what had happened to her father.

*comm: caer-awen, riku, gurren-lagann, ian, kamina, kingdom hearts, [drabblets], kana, seyabi, rikairu, kairi

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