Title: A Newfound Ally
caer-awenPrompt: 212: The knife's edge
Word Count: 1477
Summary: The past always has a way of coming back to haunt you. Sometimes, that means literally.
Author’s Note: Part one of two. Written for
kmegumi2, as she gave me the prompt way back during
caer-awen's first game last year. ♥!
Great, he had a show-off, self-proclaimed badass on his hands. )
Comments 2
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Anyways! Yes. :3 This is that drabble that I was telling you about that I wrote entirely while working the One-Acts last year and was then awesome enough to misplace for nine months. I'm excited to finally be getting to type it up! ♥
I make no sense right now. I am so sorry XD;;;
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It waaaaas. XDDD I just pulled it out of the folder I was looking at and went "...wait. Is this what I think it is? ...:|||||| HOLY CRAP I AM NOT PUTTING THIS AWAY ANYWHERE IT IS GOING ON MY DESK RIGHTNOW."
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